Tears in Heaven OPBk re-up - Eric Clapton

This is probably the saddest song I know. I decided it just needed a BB arrangement.

This uses the Unplugged kit.

Package includes .sng, midi part file, and chords and lyrics in plain text and pdf. Arrangement is my original work. There were source midis, but they just didn’t do it for me.

Download Here

Thanks Phil for this excellent contibution, the kit works well and its removes a bit of the saddness indeed.
However on the unplugged version (my favorite) the last two sentences are repeated before the outro. Is there a chance that you add this small part when you have time.
I do not master any tool to do it, though I tried, it’s not my cup of tea :frowning:

I’ll try to take a look at it this week. If I can make the edit easily, I’ll do it. If not, I’ll let you know.

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