Tempo indicator when BB is inactive

Here’s a suggestion for the next firmware update. During practice last night, I realized that it would be helpful to have a visual tempo indicator even when the BeatBuddy isn’t playing - both to have a concept of how fast 94bpm is (for example), and also to get everyone on the correct tempo for songs where the drums don’t come in at the beginning. I don’t know if the tempo bar moving across the display at all times would be helpful, but what if there was a little flashing indicator in the top-right corner of the display to show the current tempo?

You can already emulate this.

Enable Active Pause in BeatBuddy settings, then start the song, and simply pause it. Your BeatBuddy will not play sounds, but will display the beats going.

Ah, perfect. Thanks!

If you’re using MIDI sync, you can actually record looped tracks while in this state! :slight_smile:

I do not see an active pause mode option in settings. Where do I access that? Thanks!

Press both Tap Tempo and Drumset knobs.
Select Main Pedal.
I believe the choice is called a Mute Pause. That’s what you need.

You can also check the manual for that and many other interesting things you can do with your BeatBuddy.