That'll Be The Day (DOP, OPB, OPK, OPBk, in A) 2017-12-08 - 50's oldie - Buddy Holly

Uses NP Big BOSE Jazz Trio

Includes: 4 .sng files, and corresponding midi parts, midi tracks for bass and piano (Drums is the DOP), source midi, chords and lyrics in plain text and pdf.

Download Here


thank you for this 50’s classic

Phil, is there a reason I don’t get the Kick drums on songs I’ve downloaded from the forum? This song for instance…no kick. Am I doing something wrong? Thanks!

This may be one of the kits that requires the use of bothe left and right outputs.

The kick is there. It’s kinda buried under the bass since it’s on the 1 and 3, but it’s there. you could try a different kit with bass and drums, but it has to be 0-31 or 2-28 kit, meaning the bass is in those ranges, rather than 63-91. And, there has to be a kick at B0 and at C1.

I played with it and re-edited the OPB to use the NP Brushes Upright 0-31 kit.

Try this file with that kit. and let me know what you hear.

That’ll_Be_OPB.sng (8.1 KB)

I moved the kick drum C1 in this, and it’s much more present. But, there is a kick at B0 in the Bose kit, so I think with that one, it’s just that the kick doubles the bass, and you lose it in the mix. Always try to use the recommended kit for a song, or a kit that has been listed as a substitute for the recommended kit.

Thanks, Phil. TBH, all I’ve been using is the drums at this point. Not sure how to “incorporate” the other stuff, I.e. bass. I truly appreciate the help!

That’s likely the issue, then. If you just use stock kits, there is no kick drum at 35, so you wont be hearing it. :thinking: