The Monster Mash OPBk(horns) Halloween - Bobby Pickett

Note: MIDI work file included in case you want to modify the MIDI regions used for the song


  • v4 STAX Piano 4 Part
  • Beta BeatBuddy Manager version ≥1.6b
  • Firmware ≥ v2.0.4
Includes: 1 song, MIDI source file, MIDI work file and Chords & Lyrics

Download Here

EDIT: Here’s a link to some of my other Halloween songs: Search results for 'halloween #beatbuddy:song-files' - Singular Sound Forum

Hey just wondering is this the drum set?

STAX Keys & Horns kits (4 kits, aka STAX 4 Part kits redone) - BeatBuddy / Drum Sets - Singular Sound Forum

The date I posted the song was probably before Phil_Flood posted the revised kit.

The original kit might be in the missing drumkits folder.

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You can give the following kits a try to see if any particular one best suits your tastes:

If you prefer a more lugubrious sound, perhaps either of the kits with organ or harpsichord could work too.

The Motown Piano & Brass kit will work as well. Dropbox - Motown Piano & - Simplify your life

I could not find the original STAX Piano 4 Part kit, sorry.

Here’s the original:

IIRC, this was one of those kits with the drums panned to one side, and the bass and keys panned to the other. This is in my personal archives in a “Replaced Kits” folder - info mostly aimed at me.


No worries at all, thanks for the help!

Amazing thanks very much!