The new forum is.. Ugh!

Thanks Anthony, Discourse doesn’t function like the most forums I’m on. Gonna take some getting used to.

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Ok, yes. So here’s a couple of requests:

  1. Edit the current dark theme - Take the current config and flip the header black for the page gray, use white text, and a white logo in the header. If you’re going to use a colored vertical bar to differentiate each major forum section as you’ve done on the homepage, use that color only on squares within the section of the same color. As of now, color association seems random, and visually distracting because there’s no apparent meaning. Example: there’s a vertical red bar being used to delineate, that is, being associated with the Announcements section yet that same red is being used to on squares within other major sections – see General Discussion (under General discussion), Announcements (Announcements), Drum Kits (User Generated Content), etc. I would suggest that you don’t need any color treatment at all, or at least not on the squares, and in fact, I’d consider dumping the squares altogether. The bold type already being used on the subsection names works fine visually by itself. Also, consider using white for the text in between the bolded section name and bolded subsection names instead of the less contrast-y gray. And use contrast-y (again, probably white), slightly thicker lines to separate the major forum sections.

If you really want to use colored square bullets in front of subsection names, then make sure all squares within each major forum section match the color of the vertical bar associated with that major forum section.

  1. Create a dark boxy theme - gray (or whatever) header and black page with white text, and white borders/outlines/boxes where applicable. Use a white logo.

Thank you.

*edited a few (hundred) times for clarity… i think? :smile:

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It’s there a way to “mark all as read”? I can’t seem to find anything.

I think I saw a button at the bottom saying something like Dismiss all or dismiss new

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Here are a couple of Discourse tutorials I found. Should be close to what is here barring any tweaks the SingularSound guys may have done…


Thanks for the specific feedback.

I’ll work on implementing this week.

How to mark all as read:

Thanks for that. It seems that that button is not present when viewing on mobile.

Actually it is. I didn’t realise you needed to be in the “new” tab


Anthony…this was 22 days ago. Any progress? The primary purpose of the forum is to share resources. I notice that activity on the forum has dwindled substantially.


We’re working behind the scenes. It’ll be done soon.

I used to visit the old forum almost daily but this one still doesn’t make any sense to me so now I just stay away. Don’t know what criteria was used to decide on the forum software but apparently ease of technical maintenance outweighed user experience. I’ll check back next year to see if anything has changed.

I agree. I really have no idea what’s going on here at all. But the one thing I do know… without the sharing, it’s just pointless. I don’t even feel like producing any new tunes since there isn’t an easy way to post them into a central location.

Again… where is the RESOURCE section?

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That’s been my issue, too. Other than filling the request for Its Too Late that I had offered to do, I’ve been reluctant to post anything new. I am fearing that what goes into the old forum may not get carried over into this forum, and I don’t want to use all my Dropbox space to begin reposting into this new forum. @Singular - getting a Resources section into this Forum needs to be a priority. You are 2 1/2 days away from Black Friday. People are going to want to be able to easily find songs.

I like the new fora. I think Discourse was a great choice. I really like their support for markdown and live preview of the post. Very nice. I have confidence that the BB team will make all the tweaks they need to make this a very useable forum.


Not digging the new forum.
Finding songs is too difficult because the conversations from the old forum seems to have migrated over without the files or links.
Wish they would put songs in some sort of order. Upload a song that starts with a G… find it in G… It’s a big mess right now.
Search for a song and 9/10 it takes me to a conversation about a great song someone put together without the file or link to file present.
Am I missing something?
Are others finding what they are looking for easily?

I actually agree with part of this… first, there were a lot of links lost on the old forum to to a server crash… nothing can be done about that. If you want a song with no link, contact the “poster”. If it’s one of mine, look for posts starting with “My Folder…” as I posted links to my complete folders at the time rather than reposting each song.
When the migration to this forum started, I suggested a better system for posting rather than one large field for title, author, etc etc. that way, sorting would be easier. But alas, it wasn’t meant to be so we’re left with this.
Additionally, sorting is difficult because everyone uses a different way of posting… name, author? Author, name, etc etc. you get the idea.

Maybe Anthony Sostre is reading this and can chime in?


We could… Theoretically implement different ways of posting, but this wouldn’t change older posts.

I’ll give it some thought. We need to make a few changes to forum structure since we’ve introduced new products anyhow.

Agreed, it wouldn’t change older posts UNLESS the are edited by those who posted them. Can categories be changed in the editing process?

Yes categories can be changed