Tiny Dancer - silent sections

Hi Gurus. I’ve been looking around here all day. I’m trying my best to get my head around the BBMO. I’m really not great with all this stuff. I have been using the BB for years. I have the premium beats. I was trying to fiddle around with the Elton John song ‘Tiny Dancer’ as I think it’s awful…I want to delete the silences that happen with the transitions. I’m finding it all too difficult.

I wonder if there is a list anywhere on this forum of the One Press OP beats that are available. I don’t necessarily always want this option, but sometimes, working out where to put the transitions in a cover song is incredibly time consuming, and I’m getting it wrong.

I know there is a song matching tool, so wondered if there was a list of OP beats.

I’m not great with forums either tbh…it took me ages to work out how to ask this question…sigh.

Are the silences on purpose there (part of the midi files) or is this the same BBMO bug that always seems to pop up? :thinking:

I think the default for transition fills should be that there is not much silence as you should be able to hold the transition :sweat_smile: But I guess nothing stops you from using regular fills as a transition fill :relieved:

Assuming it’s not a bug, you have two options:

  1. Edit the midi files and that way remove the silence (add sounds)
  2. Replace the fills (midi files)

I’ll take a look at the song/transition fill structure for Tiny Dancer. Are you using the BeatBuddy Manager (BBM) or the BBMO?

You can find one-press songs by using the forum search function for a certain song title or you can use the Songs category to get a lengthy list of songs posted to the forum. Here’s a link that you can bookmark in your browser Songs - Singular Sound Forum

Thanks aapo. I am a REAL ludite here, as I read up all I could on the BBMO, and I couldn’t make head nor tail of how to edit. To top it off, the Beat Buddy emulator kept freezing on me, so I couldn’t work out where the silences were. I think they were in the transitions (between parts). If only BBMO were a bit easer to understand. There are no YouTube videos for it that I could find. Only for the BB Manager - which I don’t have. And those are years old.

My head hurts!!!

Thank you so much persist!. I am only using the BBMO, as I had never downloaded the original BBM on this computer.

If you could have a look at the Tiny Dancer file, that would be amazing.

I’ve had a good listen to the song, and I can’t see why they have so many silences. Part 3 and Part 8 are definitely the Pre-chorus (“Oh how it feels so real”), so I’ve tried fitting the parts around those.

The only silences (no drums parts) in the actual song are:

  • at the start of the song (whole of Verse 1 - i start the BB on the word ‘hand’ of the end of V1)
  • between Verse 2 and the Pre-chorus (Pre-chorus is part 3)
  • between the chorus and Verse 3
  • between verse 3 and the pre-chorus ( pre-chorus is Part 8)

Yet, when I long press my BB, the silences are:

  • start of part 2 (which is half way through V2 - incorrect)
  • start of part 3 (start of pre-chorus - correct)
  • start of part 4 (between Pre-chorus and chorus - incorrect)
  • start of part 7 (Halfway through V3 - incorrect)
  • start of part 8 (Start of Pre-chorus - correct)

So, by my calculations, there should only be silences between:

  • Parts 2 and 3 (between V2 and 1st pre-chorus)
  • Parts 5 and 6 (between Chorus and V3)
  • Parts 7 and 8 (between V3 and 2nd Pre-chorus)

I hope all that makes sense. I did try to work out the BBMO, but my BB emulator kept freezing up, so I was not able to work out what was going on.

The other thing that was frustrating as I was working all this out, was that it depended ‘when’ I long pressed the BB as to whether I got silences at all. If I long pressed at the beginning of the bar, I did get the silences (giving it 3-4 beats to the end of the bar), yet if I long pressed closer to the end of the bar, I didn’t always get them (1-2 beats to the end of the bar). This has never happened before with any other song.

This sounds exactly like how it would sound if a normal fill was used as a transition :face_with_peeking_eye:

Hi aapo. It was very strange, as I’d never had silence for 4 beats ever before.

However…I seem to have fixed the situation. I did a firmware upgrade to my Beat Buddy and now the song plays without any silence between transitions at all.

It seems very strange to me that a firmware update would change a premium beat…but there you go…there’s a waste of everyones time…

Thank you x

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Hi Persist. After I typed my huge reply to you which highlighted which parts have the silence sections, I did a firmware update to my Beat Buddy.

Now the song plays fine.

It’s weird to me that a premium song would be effected by a firmware update.

In any case, thank you so much for your time.

I really find this all to be very confusing :slight_smile: