Transferring my data to new Mac

My old MacBook Pro died and I’m in the process of installing my BeatBuddy manager to my new MacBook Pro. I’m not really sure I ever upgraded my firmware which is 3.8.1 I believe. When installing to the new computer what do you recommend? If there are some free downloads of drumsets I’d like those as well. If not, I’m more than likely going to purchase some. Open for any suggestions!!!

Consider trying the BBMO which is a replacement for the BeatBuddy Manager (BBM)—which may or not work on your new Mac.

Probably not a bad idea to download and install a fresh copy of the Default Content 2.1 to your bbworkspace folder.

Download, unzip and copy the 4.1.6 firmware to your SD card and update your pedal. Best to use the built-in slot reader on your Mac, if it has one. If not, it would be money well spent to buy an external USB media reader.

You can find several user created drum sets on this forum. Search using “missing kits”. Singular Sound has released some new boutique drum sets.

If you run into issues, post here and we’ll help. Or, reach out to

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Thanks so very much for your assistance. i will try and let you know my results!

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