Unable to change drum set.

I tried to change the drum set for Mambo, Cha Cha under Latin Folder, all other drum set unable to play except Latin itself. Any solution for this ? Thanks a lot.

Firmware : 1.8.5

Hi clow83. Do they not play in the BeatBuddy Manager, on the pedal or both? You might have a bad install of the library folder content and if so, you might want to reinstall. However, if there are no problems with any other drum sets, I can upload the Latin folder and you can delete the existing Latin drum set and import the new folder.

Hi persist, thanks for prompt reply, they only can play latin but no other drum sets. So far no problems with other songs (like Blues, Country, Pop…) to change drum set. I just download FINAL_content and put in the SD card, still the same. Please teach me step by step to solve this problem.

The Latin genre is exclusive to itself. It has specialized mapping, so if you change the Latin drumset to a different drumset in that genre (i.e. the Latin songs), a lot of instruments will not be heard, since they do not have the same mapping.

Oh I see…this make sense…Is there other way so I can change drum beat to other (maybe Dance or Metal), and can be heard?

Based on what Support says above, I’m not sure that it can be done however, there are at least a couple of other users that also use the Latin drum sets that might be able to help you better than I can: @yosoychema[/USER] and [USER=5448]@Tim Williams

No worry, thanks for help~~~ :slight_smile:

Same thing regarding Latin beats with a different drumset. You may hear some of the instruments, but not all of them.

Each drum set has its own midi-mapping for each drum or instrument. The Latin .sng songs on the BeatBuddy such as “Cha Cha (2-3)” will only play correctly with the Latin drum set. You can change the drum set in BBManager, but some of the drums/instruments will disappear from the sound output.

Is sad to know the truth.:frowning: Haha, thanks guys for reply. :slight_smile: