Thanks persist, that’s what I thought but I was scared to mess it up.
So, result : The duplicate I made works perfectly on BBMO after removing the piano. However, the song (sng file) renamed blackbird copy does not appear in my BB workspace after saving the project, nor on the SD card after synchronizing.
But when I place the sd card back in the BB I can see the copy and launch it, but no sounds goes out… Again.
I think we’re reaching something mysterious here
Yes, those quite often have midi editors But there are also standalone midi editors
And BBMO has its own midi editor too
But I wouldn’t call BBMO a DAW although someone could include it in that category On same basis any standalone midi editor would fall to DAW category
OK, what standalone midi editor you would advise? As my skills with a DAW are too poor. I tryed Audacity but messed up every time I used it…
Personally I use Aria Maestosa but that is mostly due to its support of changing time signatures
So not sure if it’s good for everyone
To answer many of your questions,
MIDI Editor for Windows
Reaper for Windows and Mac
Garage Band or Logic Pro for Mac
Cakewalk for Windows
Presonus Studio for Windows and Mac
Aria Maestosa for Mac is simple and works but I ran into issues with it. YMMV…
I would suggest that since Audacity and BBMO are proving to be a challenge, that you might be better off not trying to work with any DAWs and instead just using the BBMO built-in MIDI Editor for simple stuff. I’ve used it successfully with hardly any issues.
If you would like, I’ll be more than happy to remove the piano and repost the song later in the week.
Thanks Persist, that would be great. Using the BBMO is quite easy indeed, however I’d like to have the possibility to cut/copy and paste vertically (i.e bars)…
But I still don’t uderstand why the file gets corrupted as soon as I make any change on it.