Unable to synchronize as usual to existing SD cards and corrupt drumkits

Seems related to having modified a MIDI file for a .sng crafted from REAPER then used the BB Mgr ( edit function (simply reassigning channels to correct misaligned drum parts and adding a few beats) with a standard unmodified drum kit (StandardPBass). All is functional and plays on the Manager.

Attempting to synchronize for pedal use I get an ‘Unable to copy…Drumsets/8E08AD5D.DRM to…’ Retry attempts on both cards went forward following some random (and likely unrelated) actions on my part - rebooting Mgr, opening the folder and clicking on the specified offending DRM file.

Using the SD card now the drumkit is corrupt - sounds mis-assigned all over but still plays fine in Mgr.

DRM in question deleted via Mgr from the project but still shows in the folder labeled as ‘modified’. Reloading the DRM and attempting synchronization shows ‘Unable to delete/Volumes/Drumsets/ config.csv’

Rebooted everything and got the same error as earlier ‘Unable to copy same drumset…’

Currently Mgr plays everything fine but the .sngs on my pedal for any using this kit are corrupt.

Where I’ve seen this issue before, it was caused by not enough space remaining on the the SD card. The BeatBuddy Manager (BBM) will process it just fine but when there wasn’t enough space on the card, the BBM would display that error message.

If my suggestion didn’t fix the issue, you’re welcome to contact me via e-mail with a link to the drum set and I’ll take a look at it this weekend.

Always makes me feel better when we think along the same lines unfortunately my train comes up short of the station. I thought there was an less-than-obvious reason like this. I just tried deleting unused drumsets in the manager and get an error message when attempting to synchronize that it can’t delete [drumset] on the volume (SD card). I can’t delete the Drumset folder itself directly on the card apparently.

I haven’t tried erasing files within the folder or anything further since i"m just guessing at this point. I’ll wait for direction. Thanks as always for your willingness to help!

Hmmm. If you used the BeatBuddy Manager (BBM) to delete drum sets and then try to sync your project to your SD card, it should remove the drum set.

I’m able to delete the DRUMSETS folder directly (using the Finder) from my SD card. Could your SD card be locked? Not trying to insult your intelligence but that’s what the symptom sounds like.

If your card is not locked, you may want to delete the contents of the card and then use the BBM to Export your Project to your SD card.

Let me know what happens.

As a follow up with many thanks (again!) to Persist for advising and educating me on the inner workings of Beat Buddy - problem solved. Having too little free space available on the cards caused unexpected behavior. Persist has requested BB do some better warning when card memory is getting too low.

Armed with a better understanding of how BB manager transfers files to the SD card I exported the project as opposed to synchronizing (knowing it sounded fine in Manager) to the SD cards as a means to overwrite the cards with fewer files to free up space. After then re-assigning pedal functions everything works fine. I now have 500MB of the 4GB card free as opposed to previously having only 50 or so MB free.

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Hi persist, I need to identify a drumset (imported from the forum) on my SD card. As they are all renamed with codes it’s quite difficult. What is this finder you mentionned ?
Could that help me ?

The Finder is part of the Macintosh operating system; in Windows it’s called the Explorer.

If you successfully imported the drum set to the BeatBuddy Manager (BBM) or BBMO, you can find the kit using those apps.

Probably not a good idea to go spelunking within the contents of the BeatBuddy (BB) project folder with your computer operating system as it risks corrupting your project.

What’s the issue you’re trying to resolve?

I imported a song (one of yours) on BBMO with the correct drumset and if I play it on my computer it works fine. But after saving the project and synchronizing it to the SD card, when I try to play the song on the BB itself, it runs but no sound gets out… Same thing when I import it through the BBM app.
The SD card is not full (1Go left) so I wonder what is going on. When I check the SD card content, into the drumset folder I see only code names like 774875B2.DRM and nothing with the names of the imported drumsets. Could it be the reason ? However for most of the songs it works fine.
It’s the second time that I encounter this issue. The first one I deleted the song and started again the whole process, eventually it worked out after several attempt which is annoying.

Which drumset is involved?

STAX Acoustic guitar & piano

And the song name so I can test it on my pedal? Thanks for pointing out this issue.

Short answer: “no.”

The odd numbering for the drum names is part of the proprietary system for the BeatBuddy. The odd numbering also applies to the folders and song names in your project. This coding system allows the BeatBuddy (BB) software to manage the data or content. When you sidestep the use of your BBM or BBMO applications and change the contents of your project using your computer operating system, it messes with the indexing (file management) system of the BB. It can lead to a corrupted project.

This might be an over 100mb problem. Some kit slightly over 100mb load and work under BBManager, but not BBMO. I think I just edited this kit for a customer of mine. I can check later today. I’ll be away from the computer all morning.

Kit appears to fine on my end. It was not one of the kits which are over 100mb.


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It’s Blackbird

I downloaded the kit from dropbox, deleted the song, then reimported again and it worked. So I guess Persist’s explanation is right. The file has been corrupted by moving operations from BBM to BBMO. Really annoying, I guess this is something singular sound should take care of as there are some operations that can be done only in one of the two apps and vice versa…

By the way persist, I’d like to make a second version without the piano (voice). Should I use the BBMO editor to erase it? Any other method ?

You could use any midi editor and then BBM to play safe :relieved:

If you need to hear that you are selecting the correct instruments when erasing then:

  1. Try the BB plugin, or
  2. Feed the midi through a midi interface and into physical BB etc

Try using the BBMO.

  • make a duplicate of the song
  • see p14 item 24 of the BBMO User Manual and select the piano notes
  • delete the notes; if you make a mistake, use the Undo feature
  • save your project often as you go along
  • preview what it sounds like
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Thanks, by midi editor you mean a DAW ?