Under My Thumb (jam version, F#m) re-up - The Rolling Stones

The Beatles “Run For You Life” still takes the award for most abusive 60’s hit, but this comes close.

This uses the NP P-Bass and Hammond 2 XRL kit. The original uses a marimba tone. I’m pretty sure it’s a real marimba, but here was a Hammond marimba tone, too. I don’t have a kit with that made up. The Vibes kit didn’t really cut it, because the bass and drums are too mellow.

I’ll put that marimba kit on the to-do list.

This includes the .sng files, chords and lyrics in pdf and plain text, an original midi version (quite good, but no handclaps,) and midi parts,

There is an 8 bar solo in the original version. I have extended that to include the chorus, as the main loop. Play it as long as you like, but on the last chorus in that loop, come back in with the vocals.

Another note - the sheet music for this is in Em. This was not done by the Stones in Em. It’s in F#m. The Aftermath version may be slightly off from pure F#m to get tuned to the marimba. The Live version in the Singles collection is clearly F#m. If you have the sheet music, capo up 2 frets.

Download Here

As indicated in the song sheet the tempo is 128 bpm. Can you provide the proper beat using the Beatbuddy mini 2… Thanks!