'Undo track #' MIDI commands undo the wrong tracks

None of the various ‘Undo track #’ MIDI commands seem to work as expected. In my experiments they often fail to undo the specified track, and they always undo the current track, even when it is not the track specified by the command.

Aeros has more undo MIDI commands than are listed in the manual or the google doc. Brennan provides the full list here. The commands I’m concerned with are:

cc37 val
1-6 Undo/Redo top layer of track (value = track #)
11-16 Undo top layer of track (value = track # +10)
101-106 Undo/Redo all layers of track (value = track # +100)
111-116 Undo all layers of track (value = track # +110)

Setup: 6x6 quantized, firmware 5.2.1

Experiment: I recorded 4 bars of track 1, then 4 bars of track 2, then 4 bars of track 3, sending the undo command during bar 4 of the track 3 recording. (I never recorded more than one layer.)


tested values effect
1, 2, 11, 12 undoes track 3 only, not 1 or 2 as specified
101, 102, 111, 112 undoes track 3 plus the specified track (1 or 2)

Has anyone else had different results using these commands? Am I doing something wrong? Is it a bug? Unfortunately Singular Sound employees are on vacation at the moment, so they won’t be able to offer advice immediately.

Hi there,

Thank you for reaching out!

I’ve forwarded the issue to the dev team to take a look at. In the meantime, if possible, please upload a short video of the issue here so that the team can see it and reproduce it. If they are unable to reproduce it, they won’t be able to fix it. Thank you!

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Hi Daniel, there’s almost nothing to video. The Aeros was wholly controlled by automated MIDI messages sent from a computer. All a video would show is the Aeros screen with some undone track icons appearing; you’d have to rely on my testimony as to what MIDI messages were being sent anyway.

I made the procedure simple so that it would be easy to replicate. Do the ‘undo track #’ commands function correctly when used by Singular Sound staff in roughly similar situations (i.e. the commands are sent during recording, and apply to tracks other than the track being recorded)? If so, let me know, and you can consider my query addressed.

OK, I figured out a way to display the MIDI events, and recorded a horrible video:


I’m using an Axoloti (an arduino-type computer) to automate Aeros looping. The Axoloti’s MIDI output appears in the console of its programming software on the right side of the video frame. The Axoloti also sends messages to another device; the Aeros messages are on MIDI channel 3. Pay attention to the cc37 value, because it’s the only thing that changes from one recording to the next most of the time.

Procedure is as described above, except that the loops are 2 bars instead of 4 (the undo command is sent during bar 2 of the track 3 recording). I work though cc37 values 1, 2, 11, 12, 101, 102, 111, 112 in order. If the undone tracks sometimes seem to remain audible, this is because my mic picked up speaker audio during the record of the other track(s).

Since I needed one hand to hold the camera, I took this recording as an opportunity to work on what you might call my ‘vocal chops’.

Thanks for the detailed report! I’ve forwarded the issue to our dev team. Any updates will be posted here.