Using Ableton to create midi clip

The checkbox I was talking about was the fact that your drumset should be used in the project. If you want your drumset to be used with your song, you should generally select it as a Default Drum Set. You’d better do it now and set Default Drum Set to be your ‘boom chac’.

I simply named note 24 as ‘24’, and note 28 as ‘28’, that’s why they are repeated twice. This is not an issue at all.

Judging by your screenshots it is totally impossible to play anything with the project you show me.
So you must be using another project to play that file. I’d recommend using that project for adding your new drumset to as well.


I will try later with a new project.
On the screenshot I did not add Boum tchac as a default drum set but I did it after and it did not work too.

You said: “Judging by your screenshots it is totally impossible to play anything with the project you show me.
So you must be using another project to play that file. I’d recommend using that project for adding your new drumset to as well.”

Just by curiosity, what makes you say that in the screenshots?

In any case, I would like to thank you for all your help. It is really appreciated.

I will let you know if I manage to do something.



When you select Drumsets tab, there is a list of all the drumsets in your project. Seeing there is nothing there other from your “boom chac” one consisting of only 2 notes is a sure way to guess it is impossible to play notes 36, 38 and others :slight_smile:


I had some time to redo my tests but it still does not work…
I will try to go step by step and please if someone notices what I do wrong tell me:-)

  1. creation of a midi clip with Ableton Live
    I have 2 notes C1 and D1. According to my chart, they correspond to midi notes 24 and 26.
    I export the file as a midi clip (test.midi) and save it.

  2. In the BB Manager, I create a new drumset.
    I delete all the parts I do not need and I only keep two parts.
    I assign the note 24 to the first part and I call it kick.
    I upload a sample (Wav format) for this first part.
    I assign the note 26 to the second part and I call it snare.
    I upload another sample (Wav format) for this second part.

I rename the new drumset as test.

I save the new drumset in BBWorkspace/user_lib/drumsets.
It appears in the column on the left side of the beat maker and I select it.
I open a new project. I save it in the BBWorkspace/user_lib/projects.
I click on +song and the basic structure of the song appears.
I added to the main loop my midi clip “test” that contains two midi notes, 24 and 26.
I assign the drumset “test” as the default drumset for this song. This drumset contains 2 sounds that are supposed to be played as note 24 and note 26. The drumset also appears at the top of the song window, that means I think that it is selected for this song.
I check the drumset page and the drumset test is selected too.
When I click on play at the left corner of the main loop test (MIDI clip), nothing happens.
When I click on the general play at the top of the song window, nothing happens.
I should hear: note 24-note 24 - note 26 - note 24 - note 24 - note 26 with the 2 wav files I assigned to these 2 notes.

What’s wrong??? And the sound is on:-)

Thanks for your help.


I posted a Java program that can analyze your midi files (, so you can see what’s really in them. If you dont’ know java, post the midi file, and i’ll run it and send you the results.

Hi !

Thank you for your answer! I know nothing about Java but I am interested in your program. Is it difficult to understand? Does he work on Mac? Anyways, I send you the Midi file if you have time to have a look into. I erased it yesterday because I was bored but I created it again this morning so you can analyze it.
I do not know so much in Midi but what I think the file should contain is:


Four notes C1 (midi note 24) during one bar each and 2 notes D1 (midi note 26) during one bar too.
I hope it is not Ableton that exports badly the midi clips as it is the software I use and know the best.
The test midi file is enclosed.
Let me know what are the results and thanks again!



I tried another way and it still does not work.

I imported a drumset given by beat buddy into the BB manager: Brush set 2.
It appears in the drumset windows and I select it.
In it there are for example 2 midi notes, 36 and 38 (Bass drum and snare).

the notes 36 and 38 correspond to C2 and D2 according to my MIDI chart.
I create a MIDI clip with Ableton and I export it in *.midi (called “test” again).
I open a song in BB Manager, assign the test midi clip to the main loop part, verify that Brushes set 2 is the default and the drumset general for this song, click on play and nothing happens…[ATTACH=full]1178[/ATTACH]

Even with a “default” drumset, I do not manage to create my own clip…sniff
I really do not know what I do wrong…


I made it! Youpi! after hours, everything works fine and all is in the pedal.So good to finally understand the overall process!

Thanks for your help!

what was the breakthrough? btw, here is what is encoded in your test.mid file:

@0 Other message: class javax.sound.midi.MetaMessage, ?

@0 Other message: class javax.sound.midi.MetaMessage, ?X$

@0 Other message: class javax.sound.midi.MetaMessage, ?X$

@0 Channel: 0 Note on, C2 key=36 velocity: 100

@96 Channel: 0 Note off, C2 key=36 velocity: 64

@96 Channel: 0 Note on, C2 key=36 velocity: 100

@192 Channel: 0 Note off, C2 key=36 velocity: 64

@192 Channel: 0 Note on, D2 key=38 velocity: 100

@288 Channel: 0 Note off, D2 key=38 velocity: 64

@384 Channel: 0 Note on, C2 key=36 velocity: 100

@480 Channel: 0 Note off, C2 key=36 velocity: 64

@480 Channel: 0 Note on, C2 key=36 velocity: 100

@576 Channel: 0 Note off, C2 key=36 velocity: 64

@576 Channel: 0 Note on, D2 key=38 velocity: 100

@672 Channel: 0 Note off, D2 key=38 velocity: 64

@672 Other message: class javax.sound.midi.Track$ImmutableEndOfTrack, ?/

count:16, noteon:6