Using boomerang iii when beat buddy is paused

Has anyone found the solution for using the boomerang iii when connected to the BeatBuddy when it’s paused? I can’t seem to line up a solid loop when I don’t want to use the BeatBuddy and just the boomerang when they are connected. Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks!

  • Brian

This is tricky. I myself have found it’s a lot easier to just pull the MIDI plug from BB in this case. I would love to have this fixed as soon as I get to the firmware.

Thanks for your quick response. So in a live gig setting, it’s ok and safe for both units just to pull the midi plug if I choose to just use the boomerang? An update/fix in a firmware update would be awesome!

While the process of inserting and removing MIDI cable is pretty safe while both units are powered on (I have done it a lot of times with my Rang and BB at home already and had no issues in doing so), the only thing you should pay attention to is inserting MIDI cable is best done when the BB is stopped. Nothing will break (or burn!) if you connect the cable while the song is playing, but you will most likely find your units completely desync’ed. This is fixed as soon as you stop the BB song and bring it back.

Got it. Possibly a fix for the next firmware update? Thank you

I would love to have it, though I cannot promise at this time, sorry :confused:

This “un-sync” option could be added to the BB, or the looper. Has anyone approached the Rang folks?