Using Midi Maestro To Wirelessly Control YouTube/Video on PC


Windows 10 version 16299 or higher
Chrome Browser
FiveLoop Extension
MIDIberry App from Microsoft Store
loopMIDI - Virtual loopback MIDI cable
Midi Maestro 1.1.4 or higher


Having seen some remote-control devices for controlling YouTube and so on, all with nice price tags attached. I thought surely, we can use MM to do this. So, with a little bit of digging around I found you can use the chrome extension FiveLoop to control online videos, including the all-important loop facility, for learning solos. As well as control by keyboard, FiveLoop can also be controlled by MIDI devices however, using wired MIDI would mean additional cables to trip over. So, I had to figure out how to use FiveLoop with BLE for convenient use, plus using BLE would also mean the same MM custom mode could be used on both PC and Android.


The following steps should be done in order:

Install loopMIDI

This program is used to create a virtual loopback MIDI port to connect MIDIberry to FiveLoop, which usually requires a hardware MIDI port for communication. Use the plus sign to create a single port, it normally defaults as loopMIDI port. The ports created only exist while the loopMIDI application is running. So if you log-off, the created ports cease to exist, so you must create a port each time.


Install MIDIberry

MIDIberry is an app than can send MIDI signals from INPUT to OUTPUT, between different MIDI devices. This includes Bluetooth MIDI (BLE MIDI / MIDI over Bluetooth LE). You can install it from the Microsoft store. To connect to MM, press and hold the Bluetooth button until it starts flashing, after a short time the light will go solid blue and MIDI Maestro (Bluetooth MIDI in) will appear in the input box. select the MIDI Maestro (Bluetooth MIDI in) as the INPUT, select the loopMIDI port as the OUTPUT. To check it works, select the BeatBuddy Mode on MM, press scroll down, and the command should appear in the input monitor box.

Install FiveLoop extension

In Chrome go to the 3-dot menu on the right hand side of the browser, click on it and select – More Tools – Extensions. In the extensions page search for FiveLoop and install it. The FiveLoop icon should appear on the right side of Chrome top bar.

In the Midi Maestro App

Go to ‘My Commands’ and create the following:

Command Name Device Description Type Channel Command Value
Play FiveLoop Play/Pause video CC 16 1 1
Loop FiveLoop Loop video CC 16 2 1
Fwd FiveLoop Fast forward video CC 16 3 1
Rev FiveLoop Rewind video CC 16 4 1
Speed Up FiveLoop Increase playback speed 5% CC 16 5 1
Slow Down FiveLoop Decrease playback speed 5% CC 16 6 1

Or download the ones I’ve already created in Browse Commands.

Create a custom mode and populate it as follows:

Pg 1 Redirect Top Line Bottom Line Command Press Release Midi BLE Toggle
1 None Slow Down Slow Down On Off Off On Off
2 None Speed Up Speed Up On Off Off On Off
3 None Loop - Loop On Off Off On Off
4 None Back - Rev On Off Off On Off
5 None Play - Play On Off Off On Off
6 None Forward - Fwd On Off Off On Off

Assign MIDI commands to FiveLoop

Click the FIveLoop icon in the Chrome browser bar. Then choose Start MIDI learn mode, the icons will turn blue. Click on the play icon, it will go pink, then press the Play/Pause button on MM. If all goes well Fiveloop will detect the MIDI command and the icon will revert to blue. Once all commands are assigned to each icon the select DONE.


That’s it you should now be able to control video from the following sites and probably more.



Thank you for sharing!

For $40 bucks or so you can just get a stenographers pedal and control ANY video you want and many other things.
Being stuck in Chrome is extremely limiting and the price of the MM would make no sense for this use.

There are a couple other expensive products for working with Chrome only too. Make no sense really as they are so limited and so expensive.

With the stenographers pedal you can control videos online AND on your computer. You can actually control anything you like as it is basically a programmable set of hotkeys. Set it up in 2 minutes too.

I have been using one for many years.

@ SytRep, firstly thanks for going to the effort of investigating. I am new to Maestro and Midi so apologies for dragging this out again. I have significant back issues so the ergonomic value of using Maestro for not only Aeros/Beat Buddy but what you have listed, is really important. No Stenographer pedal for me as this kit has cost me a bucket load in Australia

I have Windows 10 22H2 Build 19045.4046 on a desktop, which is ergonomically better for me, and to which all my audio/Helix etc is connected. I have had Bluetooth connectivity issues on the desktop that I could not address, so paid a tech to find and correct the issue downloading a Realtek Filter driver 1.8.1030.200615. I can now pair my Samsung S10e on which I have the Maestro app. However, I still can NOT pair the Maestro. The Maestro is at V1.1.9

I have tried MidiBerry install and pairing on a Windows 11 Laptop (Build 22621.2861) with Bluetooth driver 1.9.1051.3012. The pair and the recognition of the Maestro in MidiBerry appears to work.

However, I am still a little confused from your steps as to what I need to pair and connect. It is my understanding that software updates go to Maestro via the phone app but for the Five Loop connection via MidiBerry, do I need to pair the phone AND the Maestro or just the Maestro?

@ SytRep and @ BrennanSingularSound, I would appreciate your clarification and any suggestions of who to contact before I go back to the techs and pay more money to try and address what still appears to be Win10/Bluetooth issue??


Only the Maestro as far as I understand. Phone is used to update and re-program the Maestro, after the correct custom mode is uploaded to Maestro you don’t need your phone for this setup.

And thanks for pulling this up again. I’m also new to MM and was thinking while ago if controlling YouTube could be possible. I’ll have to see when I have time to test this :yum:

Hi @aapo
Thanks for your response. I am taking my machine back for more Win10/Bluetooth driver assessment. Hopefully that can be corrected.

It would be great to see your results and your set up/versions etc , when you get the chance to test.

It’s encouraging to see that the software/steps that @ SytRep has listed above, are also used by Xsonic in the configuration of their Airstep pedal, which I was looking at as an alternative before I got a good deal on Maestro.
ie here, they refer also to LoopMidi and MidiBerry:
4. Connect to smart devices and APP–ShowDoc

@SytRep, I have been able to successfully set up the link to a Windows 11 laptop from MM, as per my versions above. Terrific!

However, as also mentioned, the laptop is only a backup device, doesn’t have connectivity for all my audio and isn’t as ergonomic as my Win 10 set up.

But my Computer tech was unable to correct the Bluetooth connectivity issue I had on the Win 10 machine. He was able to connect for a brief instant and then it drops out. I can’t even get that happening. After he installed the driver update, I mentioned in the thread above, he said he could do no more.

I plan to ask the SS Support team but @SytRep, I couldn’t see your commands/custom mode online so was wondering if you actually got this process running in Win10? If so, could you advise when that was and what Bluetooth driver you were using?

@aapo, I have uploaded my Custom Mode under ‘AD’s Five Loop Video Control’ and commands under ‘AD’s FiveLoop…’

for those that care, I was unable to get support for the Win 10 Bluetooth issue and understandable Singular Sound didnt want to investigate.

So I disabled my Win 10 Bluetooth adaptor and installed this Bluetooth USB adaptor and was able to connect and pair the Maestro
UB5A | Bluetooth 5.0 Nano USB Adapter | TP-Link Australia

Followed the same instructions and controlling youtube videos appears to work OK