Walking Blues (with bass and piano) re-up - Blues - Robert Johnson

Uses NP Electric Jazz Trio.

Includes: .sng, my midi file, midi parts files, church and lyrics.

This is no one’s version in particular. I guess it’s my version, such as it is. Scott Ainslie wrote a note for note transcription book of all the Robert Johnson songs. Scott was one of my instructors at a blues week here in Texas. Scott did a lot of research into the Johnson songs. On this one, he note’s that its an “axe song.” Crews laying railroad track would face each other and work in rhythm. The axe or hammer strike would be on the downbeat, on the 1. So, there are no words on the 1. I tried to replicate this in the piano parts that come before the turn around. There is a bass, and drums, but no piano on the 1 (until you get to the 5 chord.)

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