Welcome to the New Forum

Hello, everyone!

Our old forum was not in the best shape ever; we’ve heard of your needs, so we decided to migrate to this forum.

The underlying software is Discourse, and we’ve set it up in such a way that we’re going to be able to maintain it for the foreseeable future.

No more issues where you can’t reset your password, or where you don’t get e-mail alerts about topics you’ve subscribed to - etc.

We’ll keep the old forum online for a while, but we expect everyone will start gathering here instead of there.

One of the primary reasons for keeping the old forum online is that we will still be hosting the drum kits and sets on the old forum (for now).

In fact, while we can upload files to this new forum, we’re setting up a mechanism to share songs, beats and kits more easily than ever, without fear of files suddenly becoming unavailable - more on that soon.

Please, enjoy your stay - let us know what you think.

PS: If for some reason you still haven’t you can request a password reset. Your user is the same as in the old forum.

How do you do it? Click the Log In button at the top bar:


Enter your e-mail or username in the box:


Then click “With email”! That’s it! Follow the instructions in the email to enjoy your account.