Looking for Wet Leg - Chaise Longue if anyone has it or can build it, much appreciated. No1 UK Chart band.
If you’re okay with the one-press format, I’ll see what I can do. Usually takes me no more than about a week to turn it around.
That would be superb, much appreciated
Hi there, any luck with Wet Leg ?
Yes. Will post late this week.
The reason it takes me at least a week, (and sometimes a little longer) is because I usually/almost always have songs in a queue to finish transcribing before I am able to honor any requests.
Appreciate your patience.
Hi folks, still looking for Wet Leg - Chaise Longe beats if anyone can help please.
I posted the song in one-press formats 11 days ago and tagged you in that post. You can use the forum search function to find it.
Since you already posted this request once before, no need to duplicate the post. Thank you.
Hi there, i e mailed you back thanking you for your time n efforts, but the beat and part lengths were different to the beats that are on the song. You maybe didn’t have time as i know you have a ton of requests, so i’m seeing if anyone else maybe has it.
Sorry but I received no email.
This is the disclaimer I use in my profile:
“Disclaimer: Music is art, it’s interpretive. So right or wrong, good or bad does not exist.”
I do hope you find what you’re looking for.