What Church Songs Work with which BB setting?

Came To My Rescue - Rock 14


Alabaster Jar - Rock 14


We Fall Down - Rock 2


There’s no need to upload songs individually. I will happily give anyone access to the database that drives the site - it’s just a GoogleDoc Sheet. If you have the songs listed in a consistent format in Excel, you could easily copy/paste to enter them all at once.

In fact, I will do it for you if you have it in Excel with the following columns/fields separated correctly: Song, Artist, BB Beat, BPM, Kit, Notes. If you’re typing it all out anyway, no reason not to do it in a way that we can continually grow and add to.


I’ve also been using the site to catalog P40’s excellent tutorials and many of the performance videos people have posted here. I’m trying to build it up as a community resource. If anyone else here wants posting rights, feel free to let me know. I love this product, and I’d like to see it thrive.

This would be great if a few worship leaders put things up. I just got my BB this week … been adjusting the midi parts to help fit songs. This is so fantastic. … how I wished I had this when our church was small with no drummers. I’m willing to help out. I find though that I adjust most preset songs slightly … can we upload .sng to drpbox and also include links so people can use the modified songs?

Today I get to use the BB live at our worship service for the first time. Up till now I have used it weekly at our rehearsal because our drummer can’t usually make it. I’ve gotten pretty comfortable with the pedal and the band really likes it. I’ll check in later with an update on how it went. Set list is Bring the Rain, Today Is The Day, I Will Follow, Keep Making Me, I’ll Fly Away.

So we used the BB for the first time live in worship this Sunday. Overall it went very well. I have the intros disabled so I kick off the song with the pedal and count 4 over it. That seems to work best for us. We had some minor timing issues in the beginning of first song but got back on track quickly. I’d give a B+/A-. I use the songs as-is for the most part with minimal edits.

If we get out of time I just pause the BB and start it again on the next measure, sometimes it is not loud enough for the congregation and musicians to hear so as I have full control I raise the volume - sounds loud to me, but no one has complained.

Good idea. I’ve done that at practice. I have the volume much higher in our monitors so we can always hear it. Sometimes those brushes beats can get lost if you’re not careful.

All I have is a Word Doc that looks just like the one in my opening post. I simply add the new songs as they come along. Anyone who would like to copy and paste that post can or if they want want my Word file I can send it to them.


I have nothing to add other than I am amazed at how God is using this technology for His Glory. Thank you all to you who have a servant’s heart to lend your talents. God bless.

Amen M


I understand, Pstrdenver, but the list you have in Word cannot be easily parsed into separate columns. It wouldn’t take terribly long, though. As I offered earlier, if you (or anyone else) would like to put it into Excel OR would like access to the GoogleDocs sheet that drives the site, I will be happy to get it on the site for you. I meant for the site to be a useful resource for anyone; the worship music community here asked if I would add a list for worship songs, and I did.


Thanks so much for this great list. It is a great help getting started with my BB. Good variety of old and new songs.

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Thanks for this. I’ll try them. Unfortunately I think that most of the Beat Buddy pre arranged tunes are too hard rock for what we do with Praise Music. I wish Beat Buddy would produce some more arrangements but not so “hard rockish”. Don’t get me wrong I love hard rock but for Praise Music often the drums are not so hard cutting.

Try the ballad songs from the library , I used to recommend not using the BB on slower songs but I now I can use it on slower calmer songs as well :slight_smile: I also use the elements songs to start songs off, lastly the mallet kit and songs work well for modern slow songs. I must upload my audio of us playing Hillsongs the creed with the mallet kit and songs. Used a similar beat and kit for the Hymn “Holy Holy Holy”.

To demonstrate some of the uses of the new kits and beats from the BB library, below are the songs I did for our Fathers day service.
The sound was captured just by the microphones on our Tascam DR-05 digital recorder at the back of the room. There were quite a few people away that Sunday and the only people playing was me on guitar leading and our bass player. Drums were provided by the BB, I also used various synth loops played from my Ipad. The recording isn’t great but it just demonstrates the usefulness of some of the new content that is available now from the BB Library.

“Holy Holy Holy Lord God Almighty” - Standard Kit and Mallet beats. First song that morning and our sound guy also decided to sing along as well forgetting that the recorder was on. Our computer for the words is also near the recorder and so that is the clicking you can hear.

“Holy Holy” by Nathan Fellingham - Mallet Kit and various Mallet beats. Brought in the BB the 2nd time time round.

“Father in heaven how we love you” - Standard Kit playing various Ballad beats.

“The Creed” by Hillsong - Mallet Kit and various Mallet beats. This was the first outing for the song and I was teaching it to the congregation, I decided to drop the bridge in this instance. The song links into “He is Lord” for which I stopped the BB.

Hey my brother Psalm40…i haven’t had a chance to upgrade the BB yet…is this where the ballad beats are?? i don’t recall ballad beats anywhere in the library…