What is and what should never be... Led Zeppelin

Hey there music lovers. An old bass player, new beatbuddier here. Just wondering how I can get the drum track for this song. I have already got the professional led zep library, but this song isnt on there. I would be happy to pay for a really good version.
Absolutely pumped with my beatbuddy. The best drummer ever…Bonzo in a box…

I’ll see what I can do as a drums one-press version.

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If you could possibly also do a OPB version that would be great…


As I usually/almost always do :sunglasses:

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I know that, but I couldn’t resist putting in my 2 cents worth to express support for having a OPB version…

I love the song, and by coincidence had just pulled it off the shelf in the back of my mind where it had been gathering dust for quite some time and started to play it again… :beers:

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Thank you so much. It would be very kind of you and I would really appreciate it.