Where to put files

Hi new to BB and loving it, I have downloaded some files from the forum and don’t know what to put where or how. there are

Could you help as to how to get these onto BB.


Those file names do not exist and if they do, you might have other problems. OPB and the others you mention are acronyms.

If you find one of my songs and open the post, it contains a blue link that will lead you to several other helpful links such as the definitions for the acronyms and the user guide.

hi it says your public profile is hidden

Hopefully by now you’ve downloaded and installed the BeatBuddy Manager (BBM) and read the quick start guide or the user manual as these will help you get off to a solid footing and a good start.

The files with a .mid extension are the MIDI source files used to make a song (.sng) for the BeatBuddy (BB). DOP, OPB, OPBk are acronyms and are defined in a separate thread about acronyms.

Folks here on the forum are usually pretty helpful and all we expect is for new users to have spent a little time with the documentation and other helpful tips and guidance provided here on the forum. You can find answers to almost every question that’s been asked by new users by using the forum Search function.

Being new to BB, I too have had to figure out where to put things that I have either created, or down loaded from here, and also from the internet in general.
What I did was to build a couple of file folders to house things.

  1. “name” folder, for things i want to test before actually keeping. I.E. a MIDI file from online.

  2. “name” folder, for things that I have copied or created that I may want to use again. I.E. intro MIDI file. Various “parts” of a song ( again MIDI)
    and this same folder ( or a new Sub Folder) for “exported” Midi, or Midi Parts. I.E. maybe the Rock 1 (complete song ) which then is put into a “NEW” song and then renamed to what ever you want to call it. ALso to house Drum kits ( if needed )

     If you'r like me, the confusing thing was learning that to use the BB supplied objects ( Rock 1, BLues 1, drum kits.....etc) have to be FIRST EXPORTED ( to one of these "named" folders you create,  Before, you can them copy\import into a song file you are making.
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The BeatBuddy Manager (BBM) manages all of the BeatBuddy (BB) files (your songs, folders, drum sets and projects) so always best to let it “do its thing.” In terms of managing all of the extra stuff you accumulate and that’s left over after you import it to the BBM, each user probably has his own method of storing their computer files 'n stuff. Me? I have a folder separate from the bbworkspace folder (where your BBM does business) that I’ve named BeatBuddy and I store drum sets, user documents and drum sets if I decide to keep and use them. I also have a back up of the default content and premium content in that folder. By this method, I’ve managed prevent and reduce any accidents with the bbworkspace and BBM.

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