I took this drum beat in the BBM "Rock- beat 7- simple var2- Ride bell"
and i added some Bass Notes to it.
I have 5 copy and paste sections so far. This is how I would like to build the song or is that the wrong way to do it ?
1st off. I can’t hear the Bass in Logic.
Is that how it works ?
So I select all 5 sections and go to
Export > Selection as Midi
I save that file and I pull it up in the BBM
I can hear the Bass but I can’t hear all 5 “selections”
Sorry in advance.
I’ve been trying to figure this out for a week and I’m lost.
You won’t hear the bass in Logic Pro X (LPX) because they’ve either been lowered or raised out of the range of a normal bass instrument as well as having them within the same region as you are using for the drums.
That’s because you have 5 separate sections and when you export to MIDI, it only exports the first one. If you want all 5 of those sections to be played as a single loop in the BeatBuddy Manager (BBM) or BeatBuddy pedal, use the Join command (CMD-J) in LPX (leaving the 5 sections highlighted as they are in your video) and then export to MIDI and add to the BBM.
If you want each section to appear as a separate loop in the BBM, it would be easiest if you duplicate the region you already have 4 more times and from the top region, drag the second section to the far left of the second region and so on and so forth.
So, basically, you’re doing it wrong. 1) In Logic, the drums and bass are going to be on separate tracks when you create the song. The normal range for a bass in Logic in E1 though G3, but this would conflict with the normal range for a drum kit, which starts at B0 or C1. 2) What you do is write the two parts in Logic so that they sound the way you want. Keep drums on one track and bass on another. Make sure you are only using drum notes that are in the kit that you will be using the Beat Buddy.3) Then, when you have it the way you want, you are going to select all of the bass notes, and transpose then down to E -2 for the low note, if you are using one of the kit that have bass at 0 through 31, or up to E 3, if you are using a kit with bass at 62 or 63 through 91.
Next, select both of your tracks and us the Logic command Edit>Bounce and Join> Join. This will get your bass and drums together. 5) Then save the joined Region as midi.
Now in Beat Buddy, what you have in Logic as separate loops, each of those loops will need to be its own “Main Loop”
So, 6) Each Loop in Logic will need to start at the beginning of the track. Just make more tracks and move each of your loops after the first one onto a track of its own.
7) Save each of those loops as a separate midi file.
8) In BB Manager, click the lower plus button
Upbeat is usually the right choice. That uaually put the midi where it belongs. If it sounds off there, go back and try the other choice. Let your ears be the guide,
Glad to help. I hope you get it all figured out. It’s a pretty amazing device once you learn what it can do, even with the limitations of the current firmware/software.