Looking for a beat or a suggestion for a pattern on You Got Lucky. It’s got the great choke high hat on the beat, but I’m not up on programming my own stuff. Thanks
Here you go. It really needs the tambourine on the rock kit if you want to be 100% accurate
Dude, thanks for help and the fast response! I love the beat!
Charles, I finally got some of our set on video and wanted to thank you again for your beat - this is your beat we’re jamming!
Saludos cordiales, si no es mucha molestia alguien me podria recomendar o sugerir en donde puedo encontrar loops de balada romantica con los respectivos fills?. Muchas gracias de antemano.
Hi Charles,
Any chance your beat is still available for download? Would be very much appreciated.
Not sure CharlesSpencer has been around the forum for a while now.
If the one-press formats are acceptable, I’ll work them up and post them.
That’s great! Thank you so much!