Aeros firmware 2.15.x

Thanks for the update. Honestly I’m sad to see nothing about the muting, even in the “Coming next” section. E.g. the "Advanced crossfade / fade in/out algorithm" thing, although sounds fun to work on, but in my opinion it’s a lot more advanced and less pressing than improving the muting experience. Muting is such a basic feature and it’s barely usable as of today. Two thing that I personally need badly in Aeros is: (1) mute with a single click; and (2) mute at the end of the measure / end of loop. (details in this topic). @DavidPackouz could you clarify what are your priorities re: muting?


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Based on what’s been discussed with respect to midi commands, I think the midi implementation update will satisfy part of your request when it drops. With it, you should be able to do one tap muting and a bunch of other stuff over midi. The full midi implementation is what I’m looking forward to.

I agree that full MIDI implementation is useful (and more useful than “Advanced crossfade / fade in/out algorithm”), but I wouldn’t consider it an acceptable general solution for muting. I mean, using MIDI for muting means having one more external device, which will take more room and more money. Again, full MIDI impl could be useful for a lot of things, but if it’s just for muting, it would mean: take an excellent piece of hardware (which Aeros is), write badly thought-out firmware for it, and then patch the deficiencies with a hack (external MIDI controller).

The Aeros itself has full potential to handle muting on its own.

@dimonomid Your argument for what’s more useful than "Advanced crossfade /fade in/out algorithm is really interesting in that it highlights one of our biggest challenges yet with developing this looper! When it comes to looping, we’re quickly finding out that it’s such a personally tailored experience that every musician has their own unique priorities and workflow. This results in situations where we have some people who say the product is “unusable” until something like advanced crossfading is implemented while others (such as yourself) argue that MIDI implementation is higher priority.

Ultimately, both are valid and there’s no one right musician. As such, there’s no one right development path for the Aeros, only the option to keep moving forward and implementing everything as soon as we can (without introducing bugs of course!).

Anyway, I personally am in the MIDI camp with you, but regardless I think it’s going to be just a case of being patient and waiting for our requested features to be implemented next! There’s so much that can be implemented in our looper and that’s really what makes it great, it can be a looper for everyone, it’ll just take time to get it there. Luckily, we’ve created a whole new development team and office so updates can begin to push out more rapidly (after their fully up to speed and onboarded)


Digital Igloo from Line 6 said as much about why Line 6 hasn’t gotten into looperboards yet. He essentially said it wasn’t worth the headache since there was no way to make every loop artist happy and many would in fact be very unhappy no matter what because of it.

Loop artists can be…very stark and opinionated. I’ve heard loop artists say that a looper is worthless and unserious unless it has reverse, whereas to me the presence of reverse on a looper tells me it’s a toy.


Ok yeah I agree there are so many men, so many minds.

Btw I’m not really in a “MIDI camp”, I’m rather in a “convenient muting camp”. I don’t think that having to use MIDI for just muting conveniently is cool.

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It’s all about different strokes - as rightly said, people use loopers in different ways. My use is going to be 100 percent ambient/soundscapes so that “Advanced crossfade /fade in/out” is one of the most important features, and it’s really the only thing I’m waiting on, here. Muting is important, though. I’m confident it will all get there, and I think with the hiring of that bigger team, we may end up getting even more than we originally thought we would.


Finally got an update that solves most of my critical issues. Yay!

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That’s definitely our hope. We’ve got so many features that we want to implement some of which we’ve never even shared with you guys, but would be absolutely game changing and it’s just a matter of getting the development done. :slight_smile:


Looking forward to the formal release. Well done, SS people.

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@DavidPackouz thank you! This update seems that is solving a lot of issues. Thanks for the feedback and for keep us up to date related to the development. Looking forward for what’s next!

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I posted this earlier but did not get a response, so I am still wondering. Perhaps I am the only one who has this request, but maybe it is relatively easy to implement and would add more flexibility to the Aeros. Thanks!

Definitely an interesting idea, Something that potentially could be implemented down the line, though we have other priorities at the moment, such as further improving cross fade and seams.

Is different parts in different time signatures something that we’re ever going to see? I use this all the time on my Beat Buddy but it’s clear the Aeros is not currently capable of it. I realize it’s a bit of a niche request, but I believe on a FB post it was implied that it would be possible and in the pipeline at some point.

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@Adamixoye It’s certainly possible, but as you mentioned definitely niche. We’ve got plans to implement but it’ll likely be something down the line unless others start asking for it.

Well allow me to be the first begging for it! One big reason I took the leap of faith to move from my Infinity to this.

If the BB can switch time signatures and the BB sends MIDI to Aeros, does the BB change the Aeros time signature? If not happening today, this might be a simpler change that might work for some people.

That’s more or less what I’m suggesting. It currently does not do this. There was an indication that it eventually would.

still think a 1/4 and 1/8 time signature would enable it to be used with any time signature, obviously would need to be quick on the feet, but it would effectively be a ‘sync to the beat’ option that would be similar to how the ditto X4 works

That’s the idea!