Aeros firmware 2.15.x

Ehh…I don’t like this idea so much.

I imagine if they ever get the multiple time signature thing working, then 1/4 and 1/8 would work, too. I’d prefer to see the multiple time signature as it makes more sense musically. But, the 1/4 would work as a temporary solution.

well you wouldn’t have to use it, it is just adding some extra time signatures to a parameter that is already there. unless you are saying it wouldn’t be a satisfactory solution for different times signatures, which is fair enough.

Still think it would be a good feature in its own right, the aeros functionality is great, but it would be good to have the option to work like other loopers that are time signature neutral and just sync to the beat, where there is that direct connection between hitting the switch and starting to loop rather than the queueing things up (I get that is necessary to enable other functionality, but sometimes a simple sync to the beat is all that is needed and can simplify things)

I believe 1/4 and 1/8 are coming soon, but don’t quote me on that.

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I’m not opposed to more features, but what I love about loopers that sync to the measure is the ability to be very imprecise in when you hit it. A single beat with a very fast tempo could be tricky - even trickier than free-form looping, because it won’t quite “feel” right.

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I think they nailed this (ok not nailed, but pretty good start) for both sync’d to beat and sync’d to loop.

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I like the syncing to measure functionality, it definitely has benefits, letting you think ahead and get things queued up, think it is definitely right the aeros is built around this. But I do like sync to the beat as well, from a playing perspective it just feels most natural to directly control the loop length by clicking a switch (granted syncing to the beat does quantise it making it not direct, but in practice it feels the same on my Ditto X4 or the various boss loopers i’ve had that auto quantise). That simple and satisfying workflow is something I would miss I think. Guess i’d want sync to the measure when I have a full song thought out, but for just playing around with ideas a simple sync to beat feels better (and the bonus of it bridging time signatures)

Allow me to restate my point:

I’m used to the forgiveness of the Infinity in “measure mode” when connected to a BB. Aeros is basically the same in “measure” mode, and that’s good. 1/4 or 1/8 modes would be great to have, but only a half-solution / not a good substitute for the Aeros being able to recognize changing time signatures (I should point out that the Infinity doesn’t do this either). That’s all.

Still haven’t seen the formal (I.e.: non-beta) release. How far away is it?


@anthonySostre, how long before this becomes an official release? What’s holding it up?

@Euan We are ironing out some bugs, that is the reason it is a bit delayed. We are going to release it as soon as possible. We want this to be released as much as you do, but it can only be released once we are confident that it is ready. That is why it is taking a little longer than expected.

Unable to download…One drive states file no longer available

Try again. I just downloaded 2.15.5

I wish there was a way to download beta firmware on the Aeros directly. I have a MicroSD slot in my laptop but not a regular SD slot and I’m not buying a SD drive just for occasional firmware updates. But I wish I had had access to 2.15.x over the last month.

You can insert your microsd into a “MicroSD to SD adapter” and insert that into the Aeros.

Those adaptors are pretty cheap and often are included when you buy a MIcroSD card. You or a friend might have one lying around.

(That said, I agree, it would be convenient for the Aeros to have sa “beta channel” for wifi download. I have to “unstick” a pedal from my pedalboard to access the SD slot … since it’s blocked by the adjacent pedal to the left).

Yeah, except I bought a regular SD for the Aeros.

There are several ways around my first world problem but they all cost a few $ that I don’t really want to spend.

I also have to unstick my pedal :stuck_out_tongue:

At some point you may want to transfer songs/waves between the Areos and the laptop for purposes of archiving or editing. An SD card may be the preferred method of doing this and a decent USB card reader is only the fraction of the cost of what you paid for the Areos.

FYI, I am using 2.15.x … created a song on my SD card. Recorded tracks. Saved the song (could see the message confirming it was saving). Powered the Aeros off. Removed the card, plugged into my iMAC. The folder was empty! Lost all the recordings made.

When using AUX IN - the meter does not show up (even when MAIN OUT is disconnected from the System Settings).

I have the same problem on my PC ! … :frowning: