Aeros firmware 2.17.x

Except the song’s label, a number imposed by the aeros must appear near the label because with midi, it will be necessary to be able to recall the songs by correspondence of number (0~127)

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I’m really hoping the user can set/change/lookup the midi ID of the song. Defining the midi id by sorting on the song name seems fragile. Much more important for a device that lets (expects) you add/ change/remove a song all the time (versus the BB).

In general, in midi equipment, there is a correspondence between the midi PC or CC number and the pattern / sound / preset numbers.
There may be the possibility of naming the pattern / song / preset for readability. But the heart of the system remains:
CC or PC N°x -->000= Song1
CC or PC N°x -->001= Song2

And other possibilities
CC or PC N°x–>126=Song down
CC or PC N°x–>127=Song up

The challenge with the above is what happens if you create “Song1a”. That becomes 001 and Song2 becomes 002 requiring reprogramming of your midi devices. Similar issue if you delete Song1.

If the midi ID depends on sorting the names of songs, the order (and id’s) can easily change.

Not an issue for up/down commands. Huge issues for jumping to a specific song.

Something to think about: Would this also be an issue to make sure that it inter-operates with the BeatBuddy Manager? Some BBM users had been asking for song and folder MIDI ID. This would make selections in Setlistmaker and similar apps more efficient. It would probably dovetail nicely with the Maestro as well.

it must work as i say, it is the functionnment of all midi equipment that have songs / patterns / presets.
They are all created but empty. If you delete song 1 you only delete the datas. song 1 still exists but it is empty.
I have synthesizers and other equipment. Everything already exists (song / pattern / presets), you can rename them but on the system side song 1 remains song 1.