Aeros firmware 3.1.x

I would be very glad that you explain me how you can use a looper which introduces gaps, pops etc each time you are recording one loop (see multiple relevant topics…). I agree that I didn’t mention I (and I’m not the only one apparently…) that I am talking about the so-called freeform mode, so you may have missed that whole branch of discussions if you’re using the quantized mode… This problem is acknowledged by Singular Sound, so it’s not like if I was not able to use the device correctly… This is not a corner case but a core flow I am talking about here.
Nevertheless all these topics will explain you what I mean by unusable. I’ve been using a lot of loopers from various brands… There is no perfect device, some claim great drums and they don’t have, some have ridiculously short loops etc… but I never ever used a looper which was not able to perfectly loop!
Like many people here I bought the Aeros for the potential and promises, but now we are struggling for the very basic 0-level working looper. As a result like many other people in this forum, I don’t use my shiny Aeros anymore, and fell back to older-but-working devices… Is that dramatic enough ?

I thank you very much for the advice, it’s always great to meet experienced life coach.

I won’t come back on the “not optimal” thing, yet I fully agree it doesn’t help anything.
But it’s easy to track my posts, suggestions and bug reports… I think I did more than my duty to help… Now it’s time to use ! Time to get what we paid for. As simple as that…

Um, actually, if you go back to the forums when they were first discussing freeform/overdubs/etc, I was in that conversation pretty heavy, as far as input. I’m a soundscaper, so I didn’t miss anything… I had a lot to say on it. Yeah, the seamless overdub isn’t working, and yeah, they rushed this product out the gate, big time, but even before freeform mode, I was still able to do what I needed to do, with a few workarounds. My point is, the thing isn’t a damn brick that you can’t do ANYTHING with. So, yeah, it is too dramatic. If you don’t like it and don’t use it, why are you still here? Get rid of it and move on.


I’m sorry but I don’t see you in any of the discussions about the freeform, the on-press story or whatever related to what I am referring to here… I won’t even argue with you on problems acknowledged by everyone but you. Apparently you didn’t use the device enough to notice them.

A lot has been advertised and people came to the Aeros with different expectations, I am not there to say if your use case is more important than others (be it midi, freeform or quantized modes…). What I can say is that the advertised use case (multipart freeform mode) which is the reason why I bought the Aeros months ago is completely broken/unusable.

I could maybe find workarounds for simpler cases, but for that I have older devices doing already perfectly the job, so it’s not the point. I’ll think about using the Aeros instead when it will actually replace all aspects of my legacy devices (which should be the minimum to claim you sell a looper) plus handles the use case for which I bought it, which was supposed to be the case since day 1 (months ago) according to commercials…

So I wait… and wait… and wait… And to clarify, it’s not that I don’t like it. I would love to love it, but just can’t use it for what I expect it to do…
But don’t worry when what it is supposed to be already there, will be hopefully delivered, I’ll make my opinion, and at that time take a decision. In the meantime I’m afraid you will have to put up with me…

The conversations are all over the place, especially with David and Brennan. They’re there. I do acknowledge these problems, and I’ve used the looper a lot in the 6 months I’ve had it, so perhaps you shouldn’t make so many assumptions about me. I’m just not flipping my shit over it.

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Perhaps this should be a private, side conversation?

No thanks, it doesn’t deserve. But thank you to have put the conversation back on track.
The questions are still unanswered by those who actually should…

No, it’s all good. Nothing else to say. Didn’t mean to disrupt the thread.

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I bought the Aeros looper in the UK am extremely frustrated with the severe bugs in freeform mode. My thoughts. The Aeros was original designed to work with BeatBudy, and with a clock input it works resonably well except for the midi bug of tempo change causing gaps in the sound at end of loop etc.
Was the freeform mode not thought of at initial design?
The long delay in fixing all the bugs , could it be that the Hardware ie cpu, memory, graphics etc can not properly handle the loops without pops etc. The design is just not capable.
And singular sound Aeros developers are trying to get around the problem with software tricks, cross fading etc, The problem my not be totally fixable ever. £600 UK pounds is a lot of money To pay for a Looper, and I am very disappointed. I love the small form factor sound quality and design, that’s the only reason I am holding on hoping my theory will not be proved correct.


I could be wrong, but I’m not sure if freeform was in the original plan. I know that as things progressed, more soundscapers chimed in, which did get them paying more attention to that aspect of it. The crossfade overdub isn’t a gimmick, it’s generally how loopers deal with seamless transitions.

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Hey guys,

First off I want to apologize for how long this process has taken, we cannot thank you enough for your patience. We definitely underestimated the work it would take to get the Aeros to this point, and so we share your frustration, especially given our limited resources and the stress and interruptions caused by the COVID pandemic (two of our programmers had it, at different times, so they were both out of commission for some time). We want the Aeros to be where all of our users need it to be, and we are still working hard to make that a reality.

We especially appreciate how @LaurentB @Quad @LordRadish @popa and others have been so helpful in giving us the insight we need to make the product viable for as many situations as possible. We owe you an excellent, versatile looper and we are well on that path. As we have found out with our digital products, oftentimes a solution means two new problems. We bashed our heads against the wall on the fade issue for a long time only to discover that we needed to start from scratch and change the fade logic completely. As many of you know, brand-new code is a sure-fire way to make a product act up with new complexities to solve, especially with a product as complex as the Aeros. We are on the tail end of understanding why this is happening and are very hopeful that we will have an updated beta version on the forum shortly.

On that note, this upcoming update is meant to solve all of these problems that are being brought up in this thread. The update will solidify the Aeros’s core functionality and allow us to start venturing into expanded features based on what we already have. The cross-fade issue pops have all been covered, although there are smaller corner case non-loop seam issues that we must still address before we feel comfortable sharing it, and we are currently dedicating a lot of programming time to that end. @Johnyhorse the Aeros has more than enough hardware capabilities to accomplish this, it is just a complex software system that needs to be properly fine-tuned.

Guys, I know that this is a trying time. For us too. We are nearly at the point we have all been waiting for. Just a little bit more, and we will be there. I am personally making sure of this myself and it’s my number one priority.

Thank you guys again for sticking with us.



Thanks, David!

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I’ve said this before but i believe it bears repeating. i try to stay up on the threads and can’t imagine the Aeros ever working as intended for freeform users (clearly a significant percentage of all loopers) without the contributions of @LaurentB @Quad @LordRadish @popa and a few others. The sincere “thank you” is nice but the hundreds of hours those guys put into this make them essential development team members and i believe they should get their Aeros’ gratis (if not get actual pay!). Very few of us have the chops in this field to contribute in the manner that they have. They’re worth their weight in gold to Singular.


Ha! That’s awful nice of you to say. I don’t need a free Aeros (but if a Beat Buddy mysteriously showed up in my mailbox, I wouldn’t send it back!). :laughing:


We have FINALLY a new beta release!!! I have edited the original post to include the new changelog and the link to download version 3.1.10

Thank you all for your incredible patience. We plan to have smaller, more frequent releases going forward.

If no major bugs are discovered, we will release this version over the wifi in the next few days.


i’ll see what i can do!

Hey, David…

Leaving town for a day or two, glad I saw this so I could do some testing before I go.

Well, some good news, some bad… the good… I was able to make a few seamless loops. I played for about an hour or two and once I got my head around it again, I was able to do it, using simple tones. I do still think it could still use a bit more crossfade, as on some loops, there was a slight “something” there, so if it were a bit more forgiving, it certainly wouldn’t hurt. But overall, much better than the last go, usable, with room for a little more x-fade.

HOWEVER, some strange behavior that I was able to reproduce… this was on a straightforward ebow tone on a six string bass. No effects, just one note, very smooth, with little fluctuation, so, really good for seamless. I made a seamless loop, and just sat there and listened, for a while, let it go through the cycle for quite a few times. And the problem? Randomly, when it gets to the xfade, you hear the gap, kind of sounds like it did on the last beta. Now, i wanted to make sure I wasn’t going crazy, so I restarted it, and started counting. it did the strange gap on the 4th time round, again on the 6th, then it was fine for 6 more, then it did it again. I stopped, and restarted. On the second go round, I heard it on the 8th time round, and again on the 10th, then let it run 4 more and it was fine for those four more.

Then, to double check, I rerecorded the same exact tone, did some more listening. More or less the same thing… happens at random. Maybe a line of bad code or something?

So, a little more forgiving x-fade, and the random weirdness.

Will give it a try later today…

Already feel like this is not the end of the tunnel as per @LordRadish comment… but I guess he performed his tests in quantized mode, will give my try in freeform…

@DavidPackouz As usual, still no firmware hash… no comment…

Hi thanks for new firmware update, working so much better.
Are there any new midi cc commands for the Aeros, I desperately need a cc for play after record, ie right bottom button and stop without having to use Sysex start and stop. I am using a midi foot pedal, Morningstar MC8.

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I was using freeform.

:frowning: not particularly encouraging.
Starting my tests now…