Aeros Firmware 5.0.x

Aeros out to BB In
BB out to Aeros IN
BB to midi merge

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Set transition “ON” on Aeros midi out settings

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So, I need to connect the BB out to the Aeros in? Doesn’t that prevent you from sending an MIDI signal into Aeros to change songs, etc?

Very helpful, thank you!

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No if you disable the CC 102 into the BB settings

After a few long days working with the 5.0.0 firmware, I am compelled to express my painful disappointed. I acknowledge all the work and clever tech that has gone into this version, but it lacks the one fundamental feature that should be at the very top of the ss list. This feature is the ability for user to configure the “system” to operate in a manner that insures the Aeros and the BB are always on the same song part using 1 switch tap. By system I mean the integrated combination of the MM, BB and Aeros.

Prior to the 5.0.0 release with the BB as the midi master, I was able to use the MM to send the CC113-song# and the CC113-0 to navigate between song parts. The BB and the Aeros always changed to the correct song part together when initially recording an empty song part and also when playing back a song part with tracks already recorded. Invoking the pause from the BB external foot switch also worked very well. The BB and Aeros would not change song parts and continue where they left off once unpaused. The use of the cc113 #, cc113 0 combo worked well.

There are several compelling reasons why we would want to and should move the 5.0.0. SS has made substantial improvements and added numerous valued features. The fundamental improvement for me was to have the Aeros be the midi master. This feature was important to me because having the Aeros as the midi master means that I no longer needed to precisely time my part changes in the last measure. Since the BB does not know or care about the EOL, it would force the Aeros to change at EOM. But with the Aeros now configures as the master, I can initiate the change anytime before the EOL. This is a great feature and is working ok using the Aeros to change parts. The BB transitions are a little rough and it still requires multiple Aeros footswitch taps if you want to go backwards to previous parts.

As stated above, prior to 5.0.0, I was able to easily navigate through the song parts with the BB and the Aeros always on the same song part using the MM with only 1 tap. This not true for 5.0.0
Here are some examples of the degraded functionality.

  1. In 6x6 mode, If I have 2 song parts and I am playing back the second song part, I can no longer use the pause on the footswitch to suspend both the BB and Aeros. I understand why this is no longer possible with the Aeros as the master, but it has created a problem. Invoking the stop function on the Aeros works for the Aeros, but this stops the BB, thus switching the BB back to part 1. Using the MM, I tried sending combinations of pausing cc111 and cc48 to pause the BB and stop the Aeros, but could not keep the Aeros and BB coordinated on the same part.

  2. In 6x6 mode with the Aeros configured as the master, I tried sending the 113 #, 113 0 using the MM, but the BB would not switch to the correct song part. When I sent it a 113 1 it would switch to part2. In addition, the Aeros will give me a one measure count in when it was not configured to do that. In addition to the above, I also tried combinations of sending a cc 113-101, CC113-0 and CC113-102, cc113-0 knowing that the BB would ignore these, and just the Aeros would act on them and then send one part change midi message to the bb. My thought here was maybe the BB was getting too many messages from both the MM and the Aeros. The best result I able to achieve is when change the Midi Out option. SS suggested to set this to Midi merge, but this created chaos as mentioned above. The best result was to change this from midi merge to midi out. This setting worked the best of all that I have tried but is not something that is practically useful. It is not consistent under all scenarios and it gives me the a 1 measure count in when I did not ask for that.

In summary, I appreciate all the work you have done on this new release. Although there is a large number of valued new features and improvements here, I am really struggling with the inherent inability to configure the system to keep the BB and Aeros coordinated on the same parts with 1 switch press. This is so fundamental to performing live. Granted I am confident there are many users where this feature may not be fundamental to their buying into the SS family, but I am not one of them.

I know there is a too much information here. I also am confident that the majority of the SS crew is technically more capable and more creative than I could ever be, so please don’t take this feedback the wrong why. I believe what may be lacking is the focus that is necessary to provide this feature that should be inherent to your MM, BB, Aeros “system". My purpose is to provide SS with feedback so you may better understand the needs of some of your customers and not overlook this opportunity. SS is so close to having an truly outstanding product, but without this feature, it really is not a practical solution for live performers.

If you were to answer 1 question for me, the question I have is: Is it the vision of Singular Sound to provide the ability to configure the MM, BB and Aeros such that the BB and Aeros will be able to remain on the same song part using 1 switch tap across the different scenarios that live performers encounter? If you need a list of those senaroias, please let me know and I will provide them.

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Oh well.
I can’t get the beta to download. I’ll wait for the direct wifi version.

Absolutely blown away by the latest update. I love the autoquantize feature. I play a handsonic drum pad as my percussion element and without being obliged to find out before the exact number of BPM and have a metronome ticking I can play with so much more feeling and the aeros just locks in time. I can do SO much more with it now.


They are working right now to solve this problem buddy.

Ok… I will continue to keep the faith. There is no doubt that SS is capable. You have created an atmosphere of great expectation with what you have already provided. I needed to know that this is on your list! Thank you

I agree with you for the stop both.but it’s possible with a command on the Maestro I guess
For the switch part I use the CC 113 Value 1 for part & 2 for part 2 etc… If I’m not wrong
you need to disable the CC102 on the midi out of the BB and set the transition on and switch parts on the Aeros midi out and Behavior it work perfect take a look here Change parts on Aeros and Beatbuddy with the Midi Maestro,when Aeros is as master. (FR/ENG) - YouTube

Just to be clear so that I understand correctly, in order to get the part number changes to work as shown in the video, the Midi Maestro is configured to only sending the C113 with the part number changes (C113-1, CC113-2, CC113-3, etc…) and is NOT sending the C113 0 or any other midi commands. Is that correct?

This is how I use it on this video !
With the Aeros settings like on this video
BB to midi merge and disable cc102 on the BB midi settings

Hi SS, i am new user, with perhaps unusual usage of Aeros as a looper for acoustic grand. I literally bought the Aeros a few days after your announced this 5 beta. My main concern before buying was could i use the Aeros silently, without using the foot switches, as they would be picked up by the microphones on the piano. i chose to try the beta, with the fact that the onscreen buttons could be used to silently record & overdub. (the onscreen buttons could be a touch larger for the finger if possible). and if the slideout menu could be brought out without clicking the physical foot switch? i could use many of the features silently! mute, reverse, start stop directly on the device that’d be amazing.
I am also experimenting with midi triggered from ipad. but love to keep things simple if i can and just use the device directly. Aeros on the piano looks so good also and so far creating some amazing improvised sounds with it.
Thank you and so happy i made the purchase, even with the initial hesitation with the foot switches picking up on mics. Looking forward to 5.0.x updates and enjoying experimenting further.
If anyone has any other suggestions for silent use of Aeros 5.0 love to hear from anyone :slight_smile:


I installed the 5.0 beta yesterday (standard web site download went OK), and overall really like how it works. The midi master works great. However there are a few bugs in the release, but nothing I wouldn’t expect in this early a release. I’ll try to describe them here.

I have only used 5.0 with 6x6 mode, as master midi, and mostly it works OK. However if you let a pattern with multiple tracks continuously run for say 10 repetitions, sometimes the primary button functions stop working. You can press any button once and at most the text for the button will blink, it will not stop playback or start/stop recording. However double taps on the Start/Stop button offers the erase song function. The only way to stop playback is to power cycle the unit, and any loops recorded since the last save are lost.

The second thing that happens is when entering into the mixer screen during playback, sometimes the master volume slider appears turned all the way off, but the volume remains where it was in the beginning.

The third thing is sometimes during playback the waveform displays on some or all tracks will flatline but the sound will still play. Reloading the song brings the waveforms back up.

The above behavior has happened on several songs I have recorded, and is intermittent, and does not seem to be reliably repeated. It’s a bit random.

However I am still using the Aeros and greatly enjoying it. This is after it sat on my shelf for about a year, I can now get some real use out of it. Greatly looking forward to future revisions of 5.0.

I am having a problem with the volume as well. Suddenly volume slider goes all way down and no audio. I brought the volume slider up but still no audio.
Nothing I could do except restart the looper then the recorded audio comes back.
For some reason, it usually happens only one time during the session.
I mean one time during every session.

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I have this too
I send a video on SS support.
I guess they know the bug, but I don’t have any answer about

But I can get the volume back with the scroll wheel, to put the master volume again

The volume scroll wheel works for me but not every time.
Sometimes I have to reboot the looper.

same with me with the volume but exerything else is good so far
only once in awhile the volume on the master zeros out and i just crank it back up and all good
it has only done this maybe 3 time and i did the download couple days after it was released
excellent update

Please do not use all caps when posting to the forum as it’s considered as rudeness.

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