Aeros MIDI Commands

Check out the online doc here

Command and Categories Command Name Value Action Firmware version added
Bank (Song folder) Select MSB [0-127] When the MSB bank (0-127) is selected and is followed by a PC command, this opens an Aeros song. 4.1.2
Save 0 Saves the currently open Aeros song if a change was made since last saved and the Aeros is currently stopped. 3.0.0
CC:34 New Song
New 2x2 Song 0 Starts a new 2x2 song (same settings as previously loaded 2x2 song) and enters the Loop Studio. 3.0.0
New 6x6 Song 1 Starts a new 6x6 song (same settings as previously loaded 6x6 song) and enters the Loop Studio 3.0.0
CC:35 Navigate to Screen
Songs List 0 Goes to Songs List (if already in Songs List screen, is ignored) 3.0.0
Loop Studio 1 Goes to Loop Studio screen (if already in Loop Studio screen, is ignored) 3.0.0
Home 2 Goes to Home Screen 4.1.2
Device Settings 3 Goes to Device Settings Screen 4.1.2
Updates 4 Goes to Updates Page 4.1.2
CC:36 Songs List Controls
Scroll down 0 Scroll down list (songs list, or otherwise if relevant) 3.0.0
Scroll Up 1 Scroll up list (songs list, or otherwise if relevant) 3.0.0
Select 2 Select currently highlighted item in song list 3.0.0
Delete Song from list 3 Starts the deletion confirmation dialog to delete a song in the Songs List

KNOWN ISSUE v4.1.2: The Aeros does not have a pop-up confirmation or cancellation MIDI command, the user would still have to use the physical buttons on the Aeros to confirm/cancel a deletion dialog
Top of List 6 Goes to the top of the Songs List immediately 4.1.2
Bottom of List 7 Goes to the bottom of the Songs List immediately 4.1.2
CC:37 Undo / Redo
Undo/Redo Selected (Top layer) 0 Undo/Redo currently selected track’s top layer (6x6 mode) 3.0.0
Undo/Redo Track (Top layer) 1-6 Undo/Redo track’s top layer (track # = value #) 3.0.0
CC:38 Mute
Mute All 0 Mutes all tracks 3.0.0
Mute/Unmute Track 1-6 Mutes/Unmutes track depending on current state (track # = value #) 3.0.0
Mute Track 11 Mute Track 1, follows the global Mute Settings 4.1.2
12 Mute Track 2, 4.1.2
13 Mute Track 3, 4.1.2
14 Mute Track 4, 4.1.2
15 Mute Track 5, 4.1.2
16 Mute Track 6, 4.1.2
Unmute Track 21 Unmute Track 1, follows the global Mute Settings 4.1.2
22 Unmute Track 2, 4.1.2
23 Unmute Track 3, 4.1.2
24 Unmute Track 4, 4.1.2
25 Unmute Track 5, 4.1.2
26 Unmute Track 6, 4.1.2
Mute EOL 31 Value 31: Mute Track 1 at End of Loop (EOL) 4.1.2
32 Value 32: Mute Track 2 at EOL 4.1.2
33 Value 33: Mute Track 3 at EOL 4.1.2
34 Value 34: Mute Track 4 at EOL 4.1.2
35 Value 35: Mute Track 5 at EOL 4.1.2
36 Value 36: Mute Track 6 at EOL 4.1.2
Unmute EOL 41 Value 41: Unmute Track 1 at EOL 4.1.2
42 Value 42: Unmute Track 2 at EOL 4.1.2
43 Value 43: Unmute Track 3 at EOL 4.1.2
44 Value 44: Unmute Track 4 at EOL 4.1.2
45 Value 45: Unmute Track 5 at EOL 4.1.2
46 Value 46: Unmute Track 6 at EOL 4.1.2
Mute EOM 51 Value 51: Mute Track 1 at End of Measure (EOM) 4.1.2
52 Value 52: Mute Track 2 at EOM 4.1.2
53 Value 53: Mute Track 3 at EOM 4.1.2
54 Value 54: Mute Track 4 at EOM 4.1.2
55 Value 55: Mute Track 5 at EOM 4.1.2
56 Value 56: Mute Track 6 at EOM 4.1.2
Unmute EOM 61 Value 61: Unmute Track 1 at EOM 4.1.2
62 Value 62: Unmute Track 2 at EOM 4.1.2
63 Value 63: Unmute Track 3 at EOM 4.1.2
64 Value 64: Unmute Track 4 at EOM 4.1.2
65 Value 65: Unmute Track 5 at EOM 4.1.2
66 Value 66: Unmute Track 6 at EOM 4.1.2
Mute Immediately 71 Value 71: Mute Track 1 Immediately 4.1.2
72 Value 72: Mute Track 2 Immediately 4.1.2
73 Value 73: Mute Track 3 Immediately 4.1.2
74 Value 74: Mute Track 4 Immediately 4.1.2
75 Value 75: Mute Track 5 Immediately 4.1.2
76 Value 76: Mute Track 6 Immediately 4.1.2
Unmute Immediately 81 Value 81: Unmute Track 1 Immediately 4.1.2
82 Value 82: Unmute Track 2 Immediately 4.1.2
83 Value 83: Unmute Track 3 Immediately 4.1.2
84 Value 84: Unmute Track 4 Immediately 4.1.2
85 Value 85: Unmute Track 5 Immediately 4.1.2
86 Value 86: Unmute Track 6 Immediately 4.1.2
Unmute All 127 Unmutes all tracks, follows global mute settings 3.0.0
CC:39 Solo and Stop
Solo 1-6 Solos track (track # = value #). This behaves like a XOR solo function, only one track can be soloed at a time in a given song part. 3.0.0
Unsolo 127 Un-solos track, this unmutes all other tracks in the song part. 3.0.0
Stop Immediately 0 Stop all playback immediately 3.0.0
Record New Part 0 Begins or sets up a recording in the next empty part available, if there are no empty parts left in the song it is ignored 3.0.0
CC:41 Record, Play, and Overdub
Record New Track 0 Begins or sets up a recording on the next available empty track, if no tracks are left to record to in a part, it will be ignored. In 6x6, if a new part is selected, this command will start or set up a recording in the new part. If recording to the last track in a part, sending this command will commit the current recording. If there is an undone track and all other tracks are recorded to, this command will record to the next available undone track in order. 3.0.0
Commit Recording 20 This commits any current recording or overdub and goes into playback mode 4.0.0
RPO Selected 100 Record/Play/Overdub on selected track (6x6) 4.1.2
RPO 1 101 Record/Play/Overdub on Track 1 4.1.2
RPO 2 102 Record/Play/Overdub on Track 2 4.1.2
Select Next Track 103 Selects the Next Track in 6x6. If the track is empty, a recording will start in the empty track either immediately or at the next sync point (if there are sync rules). To return to the first track without starting a recording send the CC43 value 103 command twice quickly to cancel the recording and select track 1. 4.2.4
Clear Song Immediately 0 Clears the song (deletes all tracks) with no confirmation when the looper is stopped and in the Loop Studio screen. Note: You CANNOT undo this action. 4.0.0
CC: 43 Start / Stop Song
0 Stop 4.1.2
1 Start 4.1.2
2 Cancel Stop 4.1.2
10 Open Previous song in album 5.0.0
20 Open Next song in album 5.0.0
127 Stop Immediately 3.0.0
CC:45 Song Settings
Set RPO 0 Sets the Action buttons in 2x2 and 6x6 to Record, Play, Overdub. This means that the Aeros will first start/set-up playback and then give the option to overdub. If recordings can be committed immediately, the Aeros will enter playback once the action button is pressed. 4.1.2
Set ROP 1 Sets the Action buttons in 2x2 and 6x6 to Record, Overdub, Play. This means that the Aeros will first start/set-up an overdub and then give the option to commit the overdub and playback. If recordings can be committed immediately, the Aeros will begin overdubbing once the action button is pressed. 4.1.2
CC:46 Reverse
Reverse selected track 0 Reverses the selected track at the end of the loop. If currently recording the track will either commit immediately or commit once the sync rules are satiated. If currentlyoverdubbing, it will commit the overdub and reverse the track at the end of the loop.

Sending this command while selecting a reversed track will unreverse it.
1-6 Reverses the track number that corresponds to the value number (track # = value #). If currently recording the track will either commit immediately or commit once the sync rules are satiated. If currently overdubbing, it will commit the overdub and reverse the track at the end of the loop.

Sending this command while the track is reversed will unreverse it.
Transition Immediately (BeatBuddy) 0-32 Changes song parts in 2x2 immediately. In 6x6, it will change song parts if a different song part than the one currently playing is selected. Please note: This command overrides the ‘Change Parts: End of Loop’ setting. This command is sent by the BeatBuddy by default when it changes parts. If currently recording, the Aeros will respect any Sync rules and/or finish the measure (in quantized mode). 3.0.0
CC:113 Transition
Transition to Selected Part 0 Starts transition to the currently selected part in 6x6. This command is used in conjunction with CC113 values 1-6, 126, and 127 to allow toggling through parts before starting the transition. 4.1.2
Change Part 1-6 Selects the part according to the value number sent (part # = value #). The Aeros will not transition until it receives CC113 value 0 (shown above). . If using the BeatBuddy, the CC:102 command will change the part to the selected Aeros part immediately. If the part doesn’t exist in the song, the Aeros will ignore the command. This command cannot start the Aeros from a stopped state. 3.0.0
Change Part (Aeros Only) 101-106 Value 101-106: Begin the transition to part (part # = value # minus 100 , so value 102 is part 2) according to the Change Part setting (Immediately/End of Measure/End of Loop). If the part doesn’t exist in the song, the Aeros will ignore the command. This allows you to send a single on-press command for changing parts. This also allows you to switch the part on the Aeros without switching parts on the BeatBuddy (which ignores values 101-106) when they are on the same channel and being controlled by a MIDI controller. This command can start the Aeros from a stopped state. 4.1.2
Cancel Transition 125 Cancels any pending transition 4.1.2
Previous Part 126 In 2x2, this will start the transition to the previous part. In 6x6, this will toggle through the available parts from bottom to top. To switch to the selected part, the user must send CC113 value 0 to start the transition. 4.1.2
Next Part 127 In 2x2, this will start the transition to the next part. In 6x6, this will toggle through the available parts from top to bottom. To switch to the selected part, the user must send CC113 value 0 to start the transition. 4.1.2
Screenshot 127 Will save a screenshot of the current Aeros screen to the SD card. Note: Must have SD card inserted in Aeros. 3.0.0
MSB + PC MSB value 0-127
PC value 0-127
The Aeros can open any song using a combination of MSB and PC commands.

Pay close attention this is a brain twister: MSB stands for Most Significant Bit, it is a concept used in MIDI that allows a user to do all sorts of things like change parameters, change banks, and—in the Aeros’ case—song select .

MSB is not a traditional MIDI command, it is actually activated by using a CC:0 (Control Change) command, the value decides which MSB bank is chosen. So, CC:0 value 4 represents MSB bank 4.

PC (Program Change) is another type of MIDI command typically used in conjunction with MSB and/or LSB commands. LSB (Least Significant Bit; CC:32 values 0-127) is not relevant to the Aeros, but is relevant to the BeatBuddy’s song select scheme. It is often also used without an MSB (CC:0) and/or LSB (CC:32) command, but that is not the case for the Aeros.

The Aeros requires the user to send an MSB + and a PC command—in that order—to open a song.

First, the user must open the song, and edit the song. Then, you will find the MIDI song Select enabled setting. Once enabled, the user can set which MSB (0-127) bank and which PC command will be required to open the song.

Then, using a MIDI controller capable of sending CC:0 (MSB) + PC commands in a sequence, you can open that song at any time.

KNOWN BUG v4.1.2: Aeros is currently not responding to commands sent in the Home Screen before a song has been opened, you must open a song before the Aeros can register the commands and open a song via MIDI select.
Start (Sysex Real Time) Starts the Aeros depending on the MIDI Start setting. If the
part is empty and MIDI Start is set to record, the Aeros will
record on the first track.
If the song part is empty and the MIDI Start setting is set to
only playback, the Aeros will enter a ‘scrolling’ mode in the
empty part.
Stop (Sysex Real Time) Stops playback immediately
Time Signature (Sysex) Time Signature is sent by BeatBuddy whenever a song is loaded as a Sysex midi message and repeatedly every 3 seconds. The Aeros will set it’s own internal time signature when receiving these commands if the song is empty.

(All values in hex)
2/4: F0 - 7F - 7F - 03 - 02 - 04 - 02 - 02 - 18 - 08 - F7
3/4: F0 - 7F - 7F - 03 - 02 - 04 - 03 - 02 - 18 - 08 - F7
4/4: F0 - 7F - 7F - 03 - 02 - 04 - 04 - 02 - 18 - 08 - F7
5/4: F0 - 7F - 7F - 03 - 02 - 04 - 05 - 02 - 18 - 08 - F7
3/8: F0 - 7F - 7F - 03 - 02 - 04 - 03 - 03 - 18 - 08 - F7
6/8: F0 - 7F - 7F - 03 - 02 - 04 - 06 - 03 - 18 - 08 - F7
Time Signature (CC) Time sig - Value
1/4 - 1
2/4 - 5
3/4 - 9
4/4 - 13
5/4 - 17
6/4 - 21
7/4 - 25
1/8 - 2
3/8 - 10
5/8 - 18
6/8 - 22
7/8 - 26
9/8 - 34
12/8 - 46
21/8 - 82
1/2 - 0
2/2 - 4
3/2 - 8
4/2 - 12
1/16 - 3
2/16 - 7
3/16 - 11
4/16 - 15

Solo a track would be great.
Mute all, while still keeping its place in time, would have some function.


I like this.

CC-38, value 0 - mutes all tracks
CC-38, value 127 - unmutes all tracks
CC-39, value 1-6 - solo track
CC-39, value 127 - un-solo track


important commands:

  • start record loop 1,2… next measure
  • stop record loop 1,2… end of measure
  • start playing loop 1,2… next measure
  • stop playing loop 1,2… end of measure
  • Midi channel selectable between 1-16
  • delete loop1
  • delete loop2
  • delete all loops
  • stop playing loop1 immediately
  • stop loop2 immediately
  • stop all loops at the end of the bar
  • master output volume
  • play loop1 once
  • play loop2 once
  • play all loops once
  • start sync with beatbuddy
  • stop sync with beatbuddy

Freeform mode:

  • start record loop 2 at the beginning of record 1
  • stop record loop 2 at the end of record 1
  • start overdub at the beginning of record
  • stop overdub at the end of record

I use OnSong, which works quite well with BB - I select a song and BB responds and changes song accordingly- The RC300 also responds to and changes song as well - I can’t get the Aeros to respond. Is this something that will be implemented?


(6x6 mode playback options with 3rd party MIDI foot controller)
NEXT track
NEXT part


I would like to be able to do the following via MIDI with one button press:

  • Load next song file of song list

  • Load previous song file of song list

  • Reload current song file

  • RPM Track # (1-6)
    [meaning with each button press of the same button, it cycles through Record, Play and Mute in that specific track]

  • Go to next song part and start recording

Best regards,


Please implement PC Commands to load a specific stored song. If the songs do not already have a Preset Value associated to them, please add the ability for me to assign or map a PC Command to a song. It’s a critical feature for me to be order to jump to a specific song without hunting through a list. Thank you.




Do you have to use the Midi Maestro to send these CC commands or can any midi controller be used?

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Most any MIDI controller should work. You can also use software such as OnSong and others.

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Signed up to the forum to follow midi progress, don’t have the looper…yet. Does the loop studio respond to any sysex commands?

Although the user manual doesn’t have anything on sysex, It should respond to SYSEX commands but I have not tried it yet. My Infinity looper and several other MIDI-enabled pedals respond to sysex commands when I use a SYSEX app. I think I connected the pedal to my desktop via USB but it’s been a while.

Perhaps another user can confirm or deny . . . maybe @DavidPackouz can answer.

Thanks for the response. Some of the timing issues i’ve encountered with some gear as it pertains to Realtime Messages, say start, is that it waits for the next MIDI Timing Clock message if its’ synchronized to an external Midi clock. I think that means that it doesn’t register the bpm until MIDI timing Clock is received, which i think is why we see drifting. Im guessing the areos uses tempo mapping which standard sends info every 1/24th of a beat. Sending more ppqn (pulses per quarter note) could potentially alleviate that drift. Cubase 5 for example sends 1920 ppqn. A lot of ‘i think’ and ‘im guessing’ going on here lol. Just thinking out loud.

What about midi out messages, midi thru…?

i think the midi out just sends what it can receive, so midi clock, time signature, start and stop. Plus maybe acts as a thru, Correct me if im wrong.

  • CC-40, value 0: Record new song part (6x6)

Will this automatically start recording on the next available part or will we need to select the part?

The answer to that question has a big impact on CC-113 “If part doesn’t exist in song, ignore command.”

I have been waiting for the MIDI commands to make the 6x6 more work more like the 2x2 mode, I want to make it one click to transition the BB to the next part, so I can seamlessly record all the parts at the beginning of the song and then cycle back to them as needed. I don’t have any songs that are more than 6 parts, but I do have some that are more than 2, so this this distinction about what CC-40 does is important to me.

Honestly, I am hoping someday they will just let us pick the number of parts for a song in 6x6 mode so it can work just like 2x2, and have one button transitions. It would make the BB and Aeros have more parity in song creation.

Also, I like the idea of soloing and unsoloing a track. I have seen Ed Sheeran do this on concert several times. It is a great way to keep the loops interesting.

I agree with 897’s list. In particular, a full delete/clear function for tracks and parts is superior to just an undo/redo. Starting and stopping the sync would be helpful for free-form play or songs that I use the BB and not the Aeros. Overall great ideas in that list.

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Thanks for all the feedback guys. We’ll be coming back to this thread as we’re building these things out, so please continue the conversation.

@Orion the Aeros responds to Start and Stop sysex commands. The Aeros right now is mainly set up to act in slave mode, and most Midi clocks use the 1/24 pulse per beat standard. However we did implement a ‘resync system’ to realign the loops if the clock drifts.

@GeeMatt CC-40, value 0 will automatically start recording in the next available part. If you have more than two song parts, the only way to have one button transitions on the Aeros alone is to move through the song parts sequentially. With an external midi controller, you can go directly to the song parts using CC-113, value 1-6.