- Starts on the 4th hit of the HH count-in
- I found a source file and transposed it to match the the key in the Eddie Cochran Youtube audio. You may have to adjust the tempo to fit your vision of how the song should play.
- Link (in blue font) to new user resources
Song version_________________Suggested kit
v1 (DOP)_____________________SUB-Standard Pro Plain
v2 (OPB)_____________________SUB-Std Pro PL Bass 0-31
Includes: 2 songs and Chords & Lyrics
Am I Blue - (115.3 KB)
Ever get the feeling that software development moves at the speed of darkness? 
various artists (Ethyl Waters, Billie Holiday, Linda Rondstadt & etc)
- Count-in included
- What’s updated? Different source file (not included); 2 new versions one with keys and another with keys and horns; lowered velocities; chord chart & refreshed cheat sheet.
- Link (in blue font) to new user resources
Song version___________Suggested kit
v1 DOP______________SUB-Standard Pro Plain
v2 OPB______________SUB-Std Pro PL Bass 0-31
v3 OPBk_____________Bosendorfer Jazz Trio 60+C1
v4 OPBk-horns_______Motown Piano & Brass
Includes: 4 songs, MIDI source file, chord chart and Chords & Lyrics
Am I Blue - various artists (VA).zip (150.2 KB)
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