Ballad Congas drum kit

Ballad Congas MIDI Map

This kit gives a mostly hand percussion option for the Ballad kit.

33 - Metronome
35 - Soft Jazz Kick
36 - Low Conga
37 - Rim High Conga
38 - Rim Low Conga
39 - Standard handclaps
42 - Low Bongo
43- High Conga
44 - Cabasa
45 - Low Timbale
46 - High Bongo
48 - Mid Timbale
49 - Finger Snaps
50 - High Timbale
51 - Low Clave
53 - High Clave
54 - Tambourine
55 - Triangle
56 - Cowbell
57 - High Claps
59 - Short guiro
82 - Standard Shaker

Package includes this mid map and the .drm file.
Download, unzip.
Click the box in front of the kit name “Ballad Congas” on the drumset list in BBM.
Select this kit as the kit to use with any of the songs in the
Ballads folder.

Note: This file was updated on 10/1/2020 to add the kick drum at 35 (B0), per request. If you have already downloaded this file and you do not want a kick drum, no action is required.If you want the kick drum, you will first need to delete the original Ballad Congas kit. To do that,

1)double click any other kick in the BB manager drum kits list, as if you wanted to view it or edit it. Then.
2) Click the name for the Ballad Congas kit.
3) In the BB Manager upper menu, select Drumsets>Delete Drumset. This will remove the original Ballad Congas kit, which contained no kick.

Then. follow the installation instructions above to add the revised kit. The name will still show as Ballad Congas. To confirm that you have the new kit, double click on it to open it for viewing/editing. If you see a Soft Jazz Kick at 35, you have the new kit installed.

Also, be advised that the Ballad song file have no notes at midi 35. If you want to hear the kick drum form those files, you will need to either add something at 35, or move the notes at 36 to 35.

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