Basic tutorial with screenshots

can one the experts or support staff create a step by step tutorial preferable video or at least with screenshots that walks a non tech musician through the step to load and (even better) use a kit that is posted to this section.

Some kind of tutorial on drum sets is so long overdue. And from what I can gather from various posts on this, it’s quite complicated for anyone who doesn’t regularly work with various DAW and midi software and interfaces.


I take it my video has not helped much.

Your videos are amazing, man! Just people need some extra time to learn the software. It may not be that easy for them, but don’t take it personal :slight_smile:

By the way, jakecj69, you should really check his videos (and probably official videos as well)! Hope you will soon have your problems sorted out! :slight_smile:

Your 2 videos are great and are what got me as far as I have gotten. I’m asking for something more in depth on importing, creating and adapting Drumsets specifically.

If your videos address these procedures in depth, please let me know.

I’m struggling with the workflow of finding a decent midi file online or authoring one only to find that the sounds don’t match or sometimes don’t play when I get it into the BB. I’m working on Mac (Wine bottler). So I’m dealing a lot of workarounds as it is and have had to eat up more time than I should to be able to customize the bb.

Thanks :slight_smile:

The more you get into the Beatbuddy functions the more difficult it becomes to make a video and as I have not had to make any changes like those myself have no real experience although I have changed the overall volume of the Toms as they were too “boomy” for me.
I have edited some midi files and removed all but the hihats as well as created a “song” from scratch but I have never added another instrument to a kit - maybe I will try that and document it - having a shaker sounds like a good idea, I may have some time next week,

Psalm40, you might want to download and install my PercussionDLX kit. I have added a large set of new sounds and mapped them to new MIDI notes. It will play notes and songs that the regular BB kits will not. It might also give you something to compare and contrast with the standard BB kits and might help with the tutorial.

Feel free to shoot me any questions, Dan

Thanks, I was thinking of using yours, not had a chance of trying it out yet though - but I will!

I’d love to get a quick step by step of how to install this set. Is that possible? Or is it so involve that it needs a tutorial even for that?

We’ll a quick search for “PrecussionDLX kit” would have listed you all the topics that mention that subject.

However the page you want is below, where Dan (Beckerdo) gives step by step instructions.

Thanks. I try and search for as much as I can whenever I take the precious time away from my job and family to learn but I haven’t found that the structure of information in this forum makes things that intuitive when you have only moments in a day. So I appreciate the direct link you provided. Thanks and I look forward to more tutorials (in any format as long as they’re step by step).

@DavidPackouz The detailed drum maker instruction I wrote shall find their way into the manual, I say! :slight_smile:

It’s included in the zip file of the software download

Can someone make a Video about the drum set maker? I just don’t get it. I am not that computer savvy. I just want to learn how to adjust the existing drum sets and maybe make new drum sets.I know how to export and import drum songs and get rid of sections I don’t want [fills…main…intro…outros etc.] and adding midi files already in the BB manger. Please help. By the way the BB is great and the sounds of the drums are amazing.

What are you trying to do? What sort of adjustments would you like to make to the drum sets? I could try and make a video and miss what you actually require. Having said that the only editing I have done is to change the volume of some of the samples in the standard kit.

For starters change the volume of some of the samples in the standard kit.Adjust the existing drum sets and maybe make new drum sets. Download other beats into the BB and things of that nature.

The manual has clear screenshots for all steps and it is described in easy-to-understand detail.

I am working on a new video tutorial which will cover most of this, please be patient.

I agree. The existing tutorial has its place, but just like any discipline, there’s jargon that the uninitiated have to work through. Thank you to those like Psalm40 for their help. Took me awhile to figure out how to mess with the song parts and now the next hill to climb is getting the MIDI files I’ve created in Noteflight to work with the existing drum kits or ones that I create myself. It would be nice to know why some midi loops seem to work and others don’t-both with the existing kits and with custom kits. I am a song writer and arranger but not a technogeek. Any “Beatbuddy for Dummies” type of tutorials would be greatly appreciated.

The MIDI notes you use in the MIDI song should all be covered by BeatBuddy drum sets.
You can find the list of acceptable notes in BBManager, Project Explorer windows (bottom right), Drum Sets tab, double click any name there, look for the bold titles in the main panel (center to bottom left) while scrolling down.

Psalm40 has also posted current notes covered by BeatBuddy a lot of times already. You can find it, for example, here -

Thank you-this is helpful. The music notation program I use, Noteflight, allows for MIDI and Wave file exports but I’m not certain about how to determine what notes correspond with the Beatbuddy kits. Unsure if that info is available out of Noteflight. So far it’s been trial and error, and that’s OK. I’m satisfied with the Beatbuddy kits and would like to use them as much as possible.