Did you plan a update for the Manager-software?
1.Because is it not possible to synchr. more as one project? When I change the current projekt (I have a couple of SD-cards with diffenet projekts) then I must overwrite the old projekt, because synchronisation is only for one projekt possible…
2.Otherwise how can I synchronize the songlistlist BB and Aeros?
3. its difficult to edit the parts and fills…copy, insert, cut out …?
Ali Alster
Not to shoot the messenger, but I didn’t realize BBM was being retired, or no longer supported.
BBMO was built (from what I read), for Google Chrome and Microsoft’s Edge, both a sacrilege for we Apple users. We will, however, entertain Firefox, as its origins go back to the Mozilla project.
Are the SS techies working on at least a Firefox solution, if not, a Safari solution?
I’m a Mac user and it works quite well with Arc. Give it a shot and see what you think. It works with Chrome but that’s simply not my jam.
I would prefer that it be said that BBMO is an ‘alternative’ to BBM for users that have Win10 or higher. The version of Chrome on my Win7 PC doesn’t support BBMO and it appears Arc is intended for Win11 machines. Edge is no longer supported on Win7 as well. I’ll stick with BBM for a while as when I did give BBMO a test drive on a Win11 PC with Chrome it did some quirky things with file management in saving names of projects or songs.
Agree with LakeLife. I’d prefer to use Firefox or a derivative of it rather than Chrome or Edge.
Most likely not as it appears that Firefox and Safari do not support what’s needed for our computers to interact with Active Directory. Although I’ve passed along the request to Apple to support the interaction with Active Directory, I don’t see that happening anytime soon as it probably does not have a place within Apple’s vision for a secure browsing platform.