BB plugin

I have downloaded the Beat Buddy plug in on my Mac and I using Abelton as my DAW.

I want to reduce the hihat/ride volumes on some of the standard beats.

I.e use the plugin to reduce the volume. Where are the midi files stored?



You need to export the midi file using BBMO, either directly from the SD card or if you have a copy of the BB project then from there :smiling_face:

After modifying with Ableton then you need to import the midi file again using BBMO :blush:

Alternative to BBMO is the legacy BBM, which should be fine for this purpose :relieved: And one could argue that BBM is more reliable as the BBMO is still so new that depending on version it might have a bug in certain feature or not :sweat_smile:

BBM has known limitations such as it’s not a good midi editor :face_with_peeking_eye: But I have heard that with mac environment the BBM might not be stable with the new mac updates and everything :no_mouth:

If you’d like to reduce the velocities on select beats, you would use the BBMO MIDI Editor to do so on a song-by-song basis; more info starting on pp32, 37 and 50 of the BBMO User Manual

If your intent is to reduce the hi-hats velocities on a global basis for say, the Standard drum set, you would use the BBMO Drum Set Editor and you can find more information starting on p45 of the BBMO User Manual

You can then preview your edits using the BeatBuddy Plug-in within Ableton.

As aapo has mentioned, you would export the edited MIDI you want from the BBMO and then import the MIDI in Ableton; or, if you’ve edited the Drum Set (from within your project DRUMSETS folder), it should be accessible using your DAW and the BB Plug-in.

If we’re not on the same wavelength yet, feel free to follow up. Wish I could be more specific however, I’m no longer able to open the BB Plug-in with my DAW. I’m sure it’ll all get sorted out soon though.

Hey, just wanted to add some more info

The best place to do this is in the BBMO so you can edit the actual file. That being said, you can use the mixer in the BB plug in to do so superficially, but changing mixer volumes in the plug in does not alter the DRM file in any way. We also do not yet have a “save” or “preset” function on the plug in making your changes potentially disappear when reopening the session/drum set. This is why editing in the BBMO is the best way to make a change you want to keep in perpetuity.

A nice way of doing this is using the mixer in the plug in while working in your DAW and then using the new values you set in the plug in as the set values for the DRM file in the BBMO. Version 0.0.9 has volume information windows under the instrument faders and meters.

For example, say you are using the plug in and you want to bring the closed hihat down to -6dB, you would go to the BBMO, edit the same drum set, and set the hi hat closed instrument to -6dB.

I will also add that if you are loading the DRM files on the plug in directly from your DRUMSETS folder in your project, you can see the changes made in the BBMO reflected by selecting a different drum set and reselecting the one you want to use.

If you have made an external folder with your DRM files in it, you will have to re-export the drum set with your new mix into that folder.

Hope this helps!