Right now I control the pedal through BandHelper, passing CC through BandHelper to bring up the song I want to play. BandHelper can do set lists and much more.

I’m wondering if the pedal can be bypassed and have software control of BBMO basically converting BBMO into a Beat Buddy pedal?

My guess is no. So perhaps change this thread to a feature request :blush:

Please explain in detail what you would like to achieve. You can use the BBMO similarly to the BeatBuddy by utilizing the emulator in the top left corner.

Right now I use an iPad running BandHelper to control the BeatBuddy song/folder/tempo. I use the foot switch to start the song etc. I’d like to completely eliminate the BB pedal and use BBMO in its place. So BBMO needs to respond to midi input and the f/s as the BB pedal does. So first, BBMO needs to run on an iPad (does it run on a cheap Chromebook?)


Hey there,

No, this is not the function or purpose of the BBMO, and it is not something being explored nor will it likely be. The purpose of the BBMO is to be an editor, not a replacement for the functions of the BeatBuddy.

The BeatBuddy must be used to do what you are trying to accomplish, although I do wonder what your application for this is. If you would like to utilize the sounds of the BeatBuddy in your computer, I highly suggest looking into the BeatBuddy Plugin

With the BeatBuddy plugin in Ableton, for example, you could mimic the behavior of the BeatBuddy with MIDI control.

Thanks for the question!

Re the software I use for this… BandHelper. Great software, web and app based. As I finish tunes for the pedal and place them in folders, I “tell” BandHelper where they are. The song to be played is selected on BandHelper, it sends folder/song to the BB and then I use the footswitch to play. Pretty much like OnSong, but I think better.

As long as we’re on this, when can a new Beat Buddy Manager be expected? Maybe a new updated pedal? I use BBMO, but it has a few flaws, worst being not Mac (Safari) compatible (yeah I know, contact Apple) to which I say, I used to be a coder many moons ago. There’s always a work-around. For me, it feels like Singular has written off the Safari crowd? Not everyone is capable or even wants to learn a browser other than the native browser.

Re the plug-in, again, a decent idea but frankly again doesn’t get along well with Mac and certain DAWs. But that aside, maybe make the plug-in accept midi commands to again circumvent the pedal?

At the least, why not a “player” app whose only function is to play BB tunes? THAT would be great as well.

Lots of potential. Us early adopters have been waiting a long time.

Sorry for the rambling on.

I as well had thought about foot control of BBM (or now BBMO) and was thinking on the line of a foot controlled mouse. Sometimes when editing a MIDI pattern/song I like to play guitar along with what I’m working on. A conventional mouse works to start/stop a song, but fills and transitions are not possible while playing. I think having the ability to keep ones hands on the guitar and start a song and sequence through fills and transitions by a foot tap could be really handy as away to audition how a song in progress fits to ones playing.

@BrennanSingularSound … I don’t recall at the moment, does BBM or BBMO have any hot-key shortcuts that could be programmed to a USB (or BlueTooth) foot controller (not MIDI) to perform start/stop/fill/transition functions in BBM or BBMO? For example some DAW’s may use the ‘Spacebar’ to start/stop the transport and could possibly be programmed to a footswitch.

I had found this ‘foot mouse’ on Amazon and have no idea if it would work. It was a a low priority, so never bought it as of yet. Not sure it could be adapted to the way you want to use it.

Hi Mark, here’s the list of BBMO shortcuts:

List of Hotkeys/Shortcuts

Category Mac Command PC Command Action
Undo Cmd + Z Ctrl + Z Undo
Cmd + Shift + Z Ctrl + Shift + Z Redo
MIDI Editor Space Space Play track (from track position)
Shift + Space Shift + Space Play track from beginning
Delete Backspace Delete selected note(s)
Cmd + A Ctrl + A Select all notes
Cmd + C Ctrl + C Copy selected notes
Cmd + V Ctrl + V Paste copied notes
Cmd + X Ctrl + X Cut selected notes
ArrowUp ArrowUp Move selected notes up
Opt + ArrowUp Alt + ArrowUp Move selected notes up (an octave)
ArrowDown ArrowDown Move selected notes down
Opt + ArrowDown Alt + ArrowDown Move selected notes down (an octave)
ArrowLeft ArrowLeft Move notes left a division (eg. 16th note)
ArrowRight ArrowRight Move notes right a division (eg. 16th note)
Virtual Pedal Cmd + Space Ctrl + Space Press pedal
Opt + Space Alt + Space Press pedal (because sometimes Cmd+Space is mapped to Spotlight on a Mac etc)
F F Trigger a fill
T T Trigger a transition
1 1 Transition to part 1
2 2 Transition to part 2
9 9 Transition to part 9
O O Trigger outro
S S Trigger stop (no outro)
A A Trigger left foot switch (accent)
L L Trigger left foot switch (accent)
P P Trigger right foot switch (pause)
R R Trigger right foot switch (pause)
Drum Set Editor ArrowDown ArrowDown Select next instrument
Shift + ArrowDown Shift + ArrowDown Select next instrument (grow/shrink selection)
ArrowUp ArrowUp Select previous instrument
Shift + ArrowUp Shift + ArrowUp Select previous instrument (grow/shrink selection)
Delete/Backspace Delete/Backspace Delete selected instrument(s)
Escape Escape Clear instrument selection
Editable Fields Return Enter Save
Escape Escape Cancel