Hello Fellow BeatBuddy Enthusiasts
I have come across a problem I can’t seem to find a solution for. I have a Korg padKONTROL that does a very good job of providing desktop MIDI control for my BeatBuddy when recording or messing around with ideas. I have a problem with the "Scroll Up/Down (CC:119) Value of 1. (MIDI and the BeatBuddy - page 36 of new manual). The Value of 0 works as it should, it scrolls through the songs lists down, but when I use the Value of 1, it just moves up one slot then stalls. I have tried this in both the Latching and Momentary settings. I have found that CC:118 and CC:119 Value 0 work as they should in Latching mode, but not CC;119 Value 1. Is this a bug, or am I doing something wrong? All other commands I have programmed so far are working with no issues.
May the Beats Be With You!