BeatBuddy Firmware Update! Control how drunk your BeatBuddy gets and more! Version 1.85

Hi emacnevin

I’m using the Onsong app.
In Onsong you simply create sections in a texteditor.
When you are finished creating sections with optional titles - you click and hold on them and and a dialog opens where you can add one ore more midi commands to be executed when you push on or shift to them.
It even listens for midi events - so if your Beatbuddy is playing, it will capture the notes and will play them (at once) too.

Regards Måns

Awesome I use Onsong to read chords and lyrics and send midi command to my BB but I did not know you could create buttons that could be embedded within the song lyrics that when pushed would send changes. I will experiment. Thanks,

Hi emacnevin
You are welcome :slight_smile:

Midi commands aren’t assigned to buttons as such. They are assigned to sections, or rather section headers.
It means that when you reach a section, - or click on it, the assigned midi commands will be triggered.

Regards Måns

Love the new update ! I love that they keep making this pedal better with extra user requested features. It’s sad that having a sense of humor is so politically wrong these days. I for one appreciate the drunken drummer. I probably won’t use it much but it’ll be one of the first things I show my buddies. For those that have issues with it don’t use it, simple. Love the product and will promote it to my musician friends. If you feel the pressure of removing the drunken drummer please add it in as an easter egg where you can access it using certain button combinations. :wink:

David, I did the new download update 1.85 Firmware and have it loaded into my BeatBuddy. The footswitch functions have changed and not for the better. I have the second external footswitch set for advancing to the next song whiched worked OK prior to the update. It now goes to the folder that I am in on the first press. The second press takes me into the folder where the highlighted song is. I press again to go to the next song and it takes me back out to the folder and the start pedal will not initiate anything. If I press the second switch again, it takes me back into the song list. I found that by pressing the second switch twice rapidly that it will advance to the next song and then when I press the start button, it takes me direct int to the song but I have to press the start button again to initiate the song. This is at least 4 or 5 presses to get the song to play and it is not very functional at this point. I will go back to an earlier Firmware to get rid of this problem but that will take away all of the new updates. Can you see if there is a fix to this problem. It would be much appreciated. By the way, I don’t care too much for the “Drunken Drummer”. I have enough problems right now just trying to correct the timing problems on most of the drumbeats that initially came with the BeatBuddy. I ask for a quantized version of the original beats sometime back, but no-one had any out at that time.
Sincerely, Fingerstylepicker.
P.S. When will there be an update on the BeatBuddy Manager? I am working with the Beta version right now and it’s pretty awesome. Thanks for the BeatBuddy.

I think you can fix your problem in the foot switch settings in the pedal. Sounds like you are using latching switches and the beat buddy is set for momentary. Happens when updating firmware.

Had this behaviour using default on momentary pedals.

I am liking the new functionality especially the Sync only while playing. It lets me mix loop songs and track songs on my VoiceLive 3 Extreme. As far as the sobriety setting goes, I’m not sure I will use it. However, demonstrating what is possible opens a lot of doors. On a per song basis I would love to set up “give me a 4 beat fill starting 12 measures, and a 2 beat fill on beat 3 every 4 bars” I like th econcept of random fills too, but while keeping tempo and with a sense of the song.

Keep it up :slight_smile:

As @Guitar Stu mentioned, it seems you are using a latching switch while the BeatBuddy’s settings have been changed to momentary with the firmware update. You can easily fix this by going to Settings > Footswitch > Footswitch detector – please note that with a latching footswitch, you can’t use the new enter/exit folder footswitch function.

Regarding the Sobriety function – I’d like to say to everybody that this was meant as a joke – in the spirit of April 1. It is not intended as a serious function that anyone will actually use other than for a few laughs with friends. It was certainly not intended to offend anyone and I’m very sorry that it did.

Yes! However, the current official release of the BB Manager does not – if you’d like to use a beta version of the BBM that does support 500+ notes, please email us at – we’re currently working on making an official release of the new BBM but if may not be ready for a few weeks.

I am actually using two Boss FS-5U Momentary switches so that is not the problem. The problem is apparently in the Firmware when the new upgrade was implimented. I have used the momentary switches from day one when the BeatBuddy was new and never had any issues with them. Have someone test this out in your support team and let me know what you find.
As far as the “Drunken Drummer”, I really don’t care one way or the other. The only point I was making was the accuracy of the drumtracks is not 100% in the first place. The timing has some difficult places which have to be corrected by editing them. I am used to playing with very accurate live, professional drummers and it’s a little bit hard at times to deal with timing issues. I realize that nothing is perfect but I would prefer to have good quantization built into the pedal and firmware. You have a good thing going here and I hope the future upgrades will bring better and more accurate situations for us pro-musicians. Thanks for all your hard work. It is much appreciated.
Sincerely, Fingerstylepicker.
P.S. Thanks for replying very quickly.

Have you run through the pedal detector feature, just a thought maybe the firmware has reset something and you need to set it up again. Don’t know why your momentary switches should behave any different to any one else’s. If I hold my pedal down it changes folders, taping it changes songs.

Thank you for the reply David and for all the hard work improving on a great product, I will wait for the official release .

The midi editors have a feature that adds a little random jitter to the beats and also varies the note volume a little so they don’t sound machine-generated. Those slight inaccuracies are actually intentional.

David, did you know the new midi merge function don’t work well ?
=> As the BB is on Midi Merge On AND midi equipment plugged on midi In in the BB, the tempo on Midi Out of the BB is not regular, it change all the time (varying delay), producing change on other midi clock slave stuff connected behind the BB !.. (have done many tests, always the same result)
Seems the BB can’t produce a linear midi clock on the Midi Out in case it is in Merge mode AND the BB is plugged after an other Midi equipment…

Work perfect as :

  • in Midi Out mode instead of Midi Merge mode
  • disconnect equipment plugged on Midi In of the BB

The problem appear as :

  • go to Midi Merge mode on “Main pedal” menu
  • connect an equipment on Midi In of the BB (a simple midi footswitch, not a midi clock generator of course…)

Hi @marclr17 can you please post a video of the problem, if possible? Thanks!

Hi @marclr17 can you tell me what you have connected to the ins and outs of the Beat Buddy MIDI? I have been using MIDI Merge successfully without any obvious issues.

ok, I’m going to try to do a video

question: Midi control … I am a bit confused…I would like to know more about how to control the volume and tempo via midi. I am an android user number one. number two …My beat buddy is hooked up thru YOUR midi cable to my pigtronix looper…Soooo…how can i do this? it would help ALOT to be able to control the volume…without having to bend down ALL the time when changing drum sets or beats. thanks

The pigtronix looper does not appear to have midi out so as far as can see, here is no way you can use midi from that to the bb to control the bb volume.

I guess you could do it from your android whatever if you had a midi interface for it and suitable software but sounds to me like that’s not the way you are going.
Only other way would be to use a midi enabled expression pedal hooked up to the BB but it’d need to be able to send CC 108 (which is what the BB) uses to control the BB.
Something like this might work with a regular expression pedal