BeatBuddy Manager 1.50 (Windows/Mac)

Dang it. This NEW download don’t work and my older Beatbuddy Manager version dont work now on my Vista Laptop either. I tried deleting and reinstalling for a couple hours now … ugh. :frowning:

I’m running Vista 32bit and I got that error code everyone else is getting.

“system report an error: can’t start program,because miss Qt5WebChannel.dll,please reinstall”

I was able load the older XP version on my older desktop PC but the sound don’t work. Sound didn’t work on my older 1.4 Vista laptop version either btw.

Loaded the program on my wife’s MacBook Pro. Was easy and works perfect. I quess its time to upgrade my computers ugh. Now I need permission from the wife anytime I want to update my pedal. Imagine the horror of that :frowning:

Few thoughts.
New 1.5 software don’t work with 32bit Vista. Maybe you guys could state that on the 1st post of this thread so people don’t wipe out there existing 1.4 version. It’s is stated a few posts down but ugh.
I can’t reinstall 1.4 no matter what I do and 1.5 don’t work either. The windows BB software installs are the hardest installs of any software I’ve ever encountered and I’m fairly tech savy.

Thats a no go. I could try wiping the SD card first?

Yes, this can be used with Windows XP 32-bit.

Here is a link to my Google Drive so you can preview it.
I’ve just tested this to run on my Windows XP x86 machine properly.

  • When the program starts, it asks for a workspace. Choose BBWorkspace folder that is next to the executable.
  • Then you will need to open an actual project - download an SD Card Backup from the download page, extract it and use BBManager File > Open Project to the unpacked archive content.

Keep in mind, this is not an official release yet.
…And I would be extremely happy if you tell me about any bugs you might have encountered (though all major functions should work)!

@Sludge, I believe the missing files were fixed. Please re-download the BBManager!

Make a backup beforehand. I am also trying to reproduce and fix your issue now.

Question: Is the [B]BeatBuddy Premium Content Library[/B] a free download or do I need to puchase it? Let me know right away if you can. Sincerely, Fingerstylepicker.

Thanks. On a Mac, sorry…

Hi Fingerstylepicker. On the library are diverse drum kits or beats for sale…
5 Dollar each…
Unfortunately no free downloads.

No, it is premium content which means you have to buy it - but they are not expensive and they are great!

We have fixed the majority of issues mentioned in this thread, so we are posting the new version here:

Not touching mine just yet. I’ll wait and listen. I have a perfect working version with 1.4.2 right now so I am OK with that. By the way, thanks for answering my question on the Premium Content Library. I’ll see about that one come payday. Sincerely, Fingerstylepicker.

I believe You can install 1.5.0 separately without unistalling your previous perfect working 1.4.2 version.
You can also work with your project using both BBManager versions.
However, you may have troubles importing new forum songs via 1.4.2 version.
Fortunately, you will be able to import them using 1.5.0 version into your project, then reopen a project with 1.4.2. and continue working perfectly!

The new BBManager definitely aims for being a WIN/WIN scenario.