BeatBuddy Manager Software 1.64 (Win/Mac) LEGACY


Almost nobody in this thread know me, so - I’m Irving Axel Rivas; I’m usually known online by my handle iajrz.
I’ve been working with Singular Sound for roughly a year and a half in different capacities.

At the moment I’m focusing on the BeatBuddy Manager and getting the resources from the old forum to the current one.

Given this thread’s subject matter, I want to share a bit of what’s going on with the BeatBuddy Manager and the prospects for the immediate future.

The BBM has been without an update for long. Development has been carried out by quite a few different people over the years - which has some implications in how work has to proceed.

There are many known bugs, and there’s a clear split in the Windows and Mac version of the BBM. This are the first points I’m addressing, and in that order.

The bugs I’m addressing include synchronization issues and directory issues, after which I’ll make sure we have the same version of the software in both Windows and Mac. The current release I’m working on is a bugfix version with relation to the last BBM beta issued, and we’ll keep on with bugfix releases until the software’s behavior is acceptable.

After this we’ll focus on improving workflow and features - if we were to start adding features before polishing what we have, we’ll be putting the carriage before the horse in more ways than one.

Making for a better workflow for pros is on the table for that, as well as simplifying the common scenarios so that more people can straightforwardly get their BB setup how they want it.

I expect to have the bugfix version on Windows and Mac before January ends. I hope we’ll be having this kind of conversation in another thread by then :wink: :slight_smile:

Happy holidays, everyone.


OK. Fair enough. That sounds somewhat hopeful. Can we start seeing some feature improvements before mid 2019?

I have a Mac. So, i downloaded the software, but all i’m seeing in the bbworkspace folder is a default_lib, user_lib, and a readme.txt folder inside. None of which open the application. What gives?

  • Start by downloading Default BeatBuddy Content Update from
  • Unzip what you just downloaded; if you have an SD card, place it in your Mac’s SD slot reader and copy the contents of the folder you just unzipped to the top level of your SD card; if you don’t have a BeatBuddy pedal yet, just place the folder on your desktop (or somewhere easy to find it)
  • Use the BeatBuddy Manager (BBM) File > Open Project and navigate to either your SD card or the folder on your desktop
  • Follow the prompts to save to your bbworkspace
  • Next, search this forum for BeatBuddy User Guides and use those as a reference: or you can click on the Getting Started link at

Thanks man! managed to get the software working. Haven’t been too successful on using the search bar on this forum (get zero results for searches) for tutorials on how to edit beats or to look for user created ones. I just want some simple d-beat Discharge-esque beats. Any ideas?

A post was split to a new topic: Premium Library not working?

Still waiting…
It’s been 3.5 years waiting for an update for the Beatbuddy Manager.
I bought my Beatbuddy direct from Singular Sound before they went on sale in stores.
I love it but very very disappointed with software support.
If your team can’t handle it then maybe someone else should take over?
I’m sure a lot of us would be willing to spend a few dollars to have an application that would help us utilize the Beatbuddy’s potential.
Along with state-of-the-art software on Windows and Mac we should also have apps on IOS and Android as well.
Come On Singular Sound and “Get With The Program!”

From one very unhappy customer. :frowning:


We completely understand you. We know that the software needs to be improved to bring out the BeatBuddy’s full potential. Around 2 years ago we decided to rebuild the BB Manager from the ground up using a new platform because we were told it would be much faster to develop on. 6 months ago we realized that this new platform was never going to live up to our expectations and we decided to go back to fix the original software, which we’ve been doing for the past 6 months. We are about to release a new version of the software with some critical bugs fixed. If you’d like to be part of our beta tester program please email us at

What is the latest edition of Beat Buddy Manager?

1.6.5 for PC for Mac


David, you said soon but here it is 6 more months later.
You need to support existing devices/software/users along with new products.
If you don’t then we will not have any confidence that anything new will be getting the support required.


I found the same problem initially. The fix for me was - instead of doing an “Export to SD card” every time just do a “Synchronize Project”. It will ask “Synchronize to D:/?” Click yes. All your BB preferences including switch settings will be retained. You will need to do the BB settings separately for each card you use.

I have BeatBuddy Manager version 1.66. I can no longer find the installation file. I need it for another computer and I can’t find a download link anywhere.

It was beta software and was never officially released as it was considered quite buggy. . That’s why you don’t see it available from this forum.

OK thanks. It works well for me. I like it better than v 1.65.

Tim Payne


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And here we are after another year of promised updates and still nothing. Oh but we seem to keep getting the useless emails from Anthony talking about the latest weird thing to happen in his life. Glad priorities are set appropriately. Keep up the solid work Singular.


Finally someone else is feeling the same way.
I feel like a broken record.
This should not be rocket science.
If Singular Sound can’t do it then why not get someone to help.
I am sure most of us would be willing to pay a little to get a product that would help us be more effective at making our drum beats.

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