BeatBuddy Manager Software 1.64 (Win/Mac) LEGACY

I’ve been thinking this for a while and I wouldn’t mind shelling out a few bucks for something improved over the current state of BBM. There is likely some reluctance on Singulars part to release details and coding of the inards of the BB, but it may have the potential to make the BB so much easier to use.

A good example of a 3rd party developer is the one below that created software for some of TC Helicon’s VoiceLive products. I bought the editor/librarian for the VLP GTX I have and it was money well spent.

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It bugs me a lot that there has been no movement on this in the entire time I have owned my BB. My question is why they don’t seem to want to improve BBM. Why not bring BB up to its full potential? Wouldn’t that drive more sales of the device? I don’t get it.


TBH, I’d be happy to pay for a dedicated pro type editor. Not sure why the guys at SS don’t/can’t just farm out the code they have to a commercial software developer and let THEM create one and then make some money from selling it…


I have been asking that question for a couple of years.
If you can’t fix it then let someone else do it.
Just sayin’


The thing about start ups…they think they can do everything themselves

I do find it frustrating that with such an amazing pedal the manager software is absolutely rank. There is so much you should be able to do to program your own beats and songs like cut & paste, split a single song file into sections to load in as fills, etc, play work in progress from the current cursor position, not from the start of the song. It is painful and next to useless and considering the amazing things you can do with the BB it is the most useless part of the whole package. Why is there not someone who can write this software to be most useful?


I also expect to be able to save the setup, having to do it each time we take out the sd card it becomes weary.


I see so many requests for features etc but just nothing ever changes with it. When was the last update? Why is there not someone working on this constantly?


We’ve been requesting changes since day one… when was that back in 2014?ish. Not much has been done since then except to send weird emails and develop new products with their own issues. It’s almost like advancement on the BB has stopped and the advancement on the software has almost certainly stopped. We were told many times that development was continuing but here we are 6 years later and the BB manager is still the same.


I suspect dark times ahead!

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I’m sure they’re thinking… “we’ve got their investment, so screw it. No need to keep developing on existing tech… just create half-assed new stuff and get more investment $$”. At least that’s what it feels like SS is doing. Brutal.


Unfortunately they are also pushing us away from buying any more of their products and won’t recommend to anyone else.

Too bad. The Beatbuddy has so much more potential.

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Well, what I meant by Dark Times, rather than any personal “screw you” to buyers, is that I have seen in the past many online companies follow this same path. They announce this and that and keep trying to produce new product, but don’t realise that the cash-flow is drying up, or have realised it and deliberately put everything into a slow-down mode. What of course happens, is less and less people - (and please forget the 20 or 30 “converted” who post here as being representative of the wider world out there) because of these methodologies and business decisions - even become interested in looking…Ergo the company/business goes belly up with very little or no warning, and a big “navel-gazing” apology citing this reason or that reason, but in truth it was poor business practice and overblown egos in trying to do everything, but actually achieving nothing! Too many times companies “drop the ball” on what SHOULD be their core business, chasing some idealogical dream, thinking they are perhaps the next Yamaha or Roland instead of accepting they are a tiny company and because of that are more beholding to customers and opinion, than major corporations need to be. Whimsical emails and “horizon promises” just do not cut it.
So my advice, fwiw, is enjoy what you have now as there may be nothing more…viz, Dark Times.


well to build a startup is not easy and I don’t think this is the place to criticize the company’s policy…

In any case, seems like the hardware products are good, but we need to update the software parts in order to enable new functions or solve some bugs. I understand that the singular sound business is in the hardware, not in the soft part (the bbmanager is a necesary addon, but not the bussiness itself)

A proposal or possible solution could be to ask the company for facilities and have a free-software users community and write our own Free software BB Manager. I have build my own midi controller and a free software solution looper integrated with the BB… I dont know how works the BB SD format, but I Know that exists a free software MIDI editor ( Maybe building a bridge between the BB and the midi editor is not so difficult…

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All hardware needs software.
The potential of the hardware comes from the supporting software.


If I wanted to have a plug & play system where everything works as the developer wants with support software, I would have bought an Apple computer with an integrated Apple device and would pay for each new feature that the developer wants to sell me. …

But … at least in my case, I prefer to have a flexible machine with midi integration that allows me to customize it according to my own needs … In this line, I use Linux and I prefer hardware with open specifications than hardware with a cool software that only works in an operating system

I supouse that we are different users with different needs.

If you install BB manager 1.65 to your PC and you copy the exe. file from the BB manager folder from the PC with v.1.66 ( 6.508 KB ) and paste and change the exe. file i BB manager 1.65
( 6.465 KB ) into the folder. you get a version 1.66.

Awesome thank you! I will give that a try.


Yep, I know it’s all been said but I see NOTHING regarding updating a piece of software that is completely out of date and whose sub-components will most definitely be out of support! How difficult can it be and why doesn’t the mighty David P do something to ease the frustration of pretty much all his customers?

I want to like the BB but every time I have to fiddle with the manager my frustration levels go through the roof.

I very unfortunately bought an Aeros which I have given up on. The way this company treats paying customers is criminal. Come on @DavidPackouz - you could change a lot of opinions by fixing the basics. It’s not like nobody has raised this before.


RIP BeatBuddy! Looks like this is the end of the line for a very promising product. My band just lost our drummer and I thought “Ahh, I’ll just pull out my old BeatBuddy, update to the newest software, and life will be good”! REALLY? FOUR YEARS LATER AND NO UPDATES!!!? Shame on Goran, Anthony, and all that had anything to do with this abandonment. I’ve received the emails about new libraries for sale, but not a word about improving the base product. I was hoping to make some suggestions about adding some midi functionality, but it looks like that would be a further waste of my time. SAD!