BeatBuddy Manager Software 1.64 (Win/Mac) LEGACY

I think that this is something that MUST be addressed ASAP.

Again, I understand that such requests for developers are rare, and I know this is not a guarantee. I’d be happy to colaborate on this effort if it’s at all possible. I mentioned in a review that I posted to a couple of websites that this is possibly one of the best pieces of gear any blind musician or recording artist could buy, because of how simple it is to use and how much customization there is. the practical problem is that the manager is half that process. Importing drumsets and new songs, organization, and even editing new songs are all core functions of the beatbuddy’s appeal, but are impossible to do without the manager. I don’t want to ramble on too long because people have much better things to read, but most of us who are capable musicians also have enough pride to want to do as much as we can by ourselves. When creating a setlist for church, or at any other gig where I may need to use it, I don’t want to have someone sighted come over, hook up a monitor and do it for me, or give the peddle to a friend to do the same. But I’m glad this is at least being looked into… and I’d love to keep this dialog going with the team more directly, and this is why I chose the beatbuddy over many other mainstream products and preordered it before it even came out. Proud to say I own one of the first units to ship as I love this thing to pieces! Thanks for such an amazing product, and appologies for the long blindness ramble. Unfortunately, especially when it comes to music gear, it’s one that happens very often, compounded by the fact that most companies are not at all open to talking accessibility.

You hooked me up w/beta version (thanks again,) should I uninstall it too?

Thank you for commenting. Singular Sound has emphasized the importance of this feature to their developer.

If the older version is for Windows, you should probably uninstall it.


Thanks! Looking forward to what comes next… and finally being able to test out some of the new content!

I am thinking of upgrading from but everything is working well and I dont want to risk probs with upcoming gigs, etc.

Actually the ONLY thing I am hoping for in the upgrade is a fix for the “Foot-pedal Settings”… Every time I make changes in BBM and then “Export to SD Card”, I have to reset the Foot-pedal Setting on both of my BB’s.

Did the ability to set Main Pedal and Foot-pedal Setting from BBM make it into the upgrade?

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You don’t need an upgrade to fix this (sort of). Get your foot pedal settings as you like them on the BB then take the SD card and copy the project from the SD card to the computer. Every project you build off that saved copy will have the settings as you like them.

I would love to beta test the autopilot function when available. Let me know if this would help. As mention to Aashideacon, my biggest challenge with the pedal is one of timing to go from one part to the next. It would be useful if you could just press at any time in one part and that portion of the song would finish before going automatically to the next part of the song. Many thanks for all the excellent work

See this thread

Try setting ‘Cue Fill’ to either 0% or 100% and see if one of those work for you.


Thanks Rob, didn’t know this feature existed, will give it a try

Then you might want to try a value somewhere in between so you can either fill the remaining beats or start the fill on the next measure depending on when you release the pedal.

Tried 50 and so far I like it. I guess I should read the instructions…

Hope I’m posting this in the right place, and hopefully there’s a solution for this. I downloaded the latest BB manager, and I’m loving the sound of the bass now that I can use actual notes with time values instead of choke groups. The songs with bass sound great in BB manager without using choke groups. However, when transported to the BB pedal, the bass still have to use choke groups in order for the notes to not ring out. But, when doing so, it changes the bass line quite a bit. I think I have the latest firmware installed 1.8.5. Anyone run into this? Better yet, anyone know how to fix this?

Can not seem to find out if we are still having trouble exporting midi files from BB manager version 1.6.4.

The issue I refer to is when exporting and then import into a music software for editing the file dos not show any midi data.

Is this still an issue because its still happening on my setup. BBM ver 1.6.4 - PC Win7

1.6.4b had some midi export issues.

Got your PM thank you

You’re welcome

Unfortunately the same issue is still there with the newer beta version. I have older midi files I exported that work fine in my cubase le software. Only seems to be an issue when I export new midi files from the newer BBmanagers

so im still having the same issue with exporting midi files in BB Manager.
My question now is what version of BB manager dos not have this midi exporting issue and is still above the 500 note limit?