BeatBuddy Manager Software 1.64 (Win/Mac) LEGACY

Not sure that there is . . . .

O man , as my 5 yr old would say. Thatā€™s not good :frowning:

thank you for the response.

What specific version of the BBManager are you using and what OS? Are you using 1.66C?

recently I had upgraded from 1.64 to 1.66c Windows 7. I have a few beats that some forum users made that I want to cut short and thin down the midi tracks on.

Kind of fix them up to suit my way of playing the tunes but with the Exporting Midi files being an issue I am unable to do it.

Really I wanted to be sure this was an issue with BB manager and not an issue with my setup.

I was also hoping I could just down grade BB manager to a version that dos not have this issue.

Itā€™s not supposed to have that issue in 1.66C - if the export issue replicates itself with all the files you try exporting (versus just one or two that may be corrupt to begin with), please email me at and attach a few sample MIDI files, and I will forward it onward to see what is happening. There were some cases in the past where the files themselves were problematic to begin with. I just want to make sure that thatā€™s not what is happening here before we investigate the bug.

Ok I will check it out tonight with a bunch of different beats and email ones I think are an issue. Thank you for your help.

Iā€™m checking files now but I did notice that the version I have says 1.66

there is no " c " at the end . dos that matter

Shouldnā€™t as the download link was for the C version.

ok it looks like you are correct I tried other beats that came included with BB and those files are exporting ok .

I guess maybe the user created ones are currupted

Thanks for the update. I still need to play with it but I just installed it on my PC Dell 5737 with the latest Win 10 without uninstalling BBM Vs. 1.5. Iā€™m pretty sure when I checked the version I had it was 1.5 something or other, lolā€¦ Anyway the installation was successful as far as I know at the moment.

A big thanks to the BeatBuddy team. :slight_smile:

It should replace 1.5, do not use 1.5 anymore.

OK, First time on the forums so sorry if this has been answered already. I updated the firmware and BBManager software on my PC (Win 10) and Iā€™m having an issue with the tempo resorting to the default of the drum sequence I upload to a song. In other words, I set the default of the drumset to 145 and when I play it before saving (little play button in top corner of sample) it plays at 145. As soon as I hit the pedal on the virtual machine, it reverts to the sampleā€™s original tempo. Also, when I then move the slider in the playback up to the correct tempo, it resorts to the default tempo when I transition to a new sample (i.e. a fill or intro/outro). Iā€™ve shut it down and restarted it and deleted and started over with songs and nothing helps. This only happens with newly created songs since installing the updated BBManager. Old songs created before the update play fine. HELP!!

Right Click the sample in BB Manager EDIT and on the left Panel there a field for Default Tempo. check it. Theres a selection to set to ā€œsong defaultā€

The field only gives me a number field to change. Nothing to click to say song default.

There should be little UP and Down Arrows next to that field. type in number 1 and click down as if your going to Zero and Song Default should come up

I saw another user post about this in July - but a resolution was never posted. I am getting the same ā€œThe ordinal 4369 could not be located in the dynamic link library c:\Program Files (x86)Intel\iCLS Client\ssleay32.dll.ā€ (see attached screen shot.

This is a fresh install, downloaded today on a Windows 10 PC (ran the installer with administrator privs). The error pops up on initial BBMgr launch, after clicking ā€œokā€ BBMgr displays a error msg saying BBMgr ā€œhas stopped workingā€

Never-mind I found a copy of the two DLLā€™s needed to be added to the base BBMgr install directory and it solved the issue.
DLLā€™s can be found here:[xxxx]-could-not-be-located-in-the

The midi editor is really useful. I usually create midis in an external editor, import them into BBMan and then tweak them in there.
It would be great if the editor would play the drum sound when you enter or modify it.

I thought I already wrote this response somewhere, so this might be a duplicate.

Of course there are external MIDI editors that do NOTHING BUT allow you to create and modify MIDI patterns and they require a significant development effort all by themselves. A built-in MIDI editor is like a full-blown program within a program, and in some ways itā€™s even more complicated because it has to be seamlessly incorporated within the main program, BeatBuddy Manager, and fully support its specific implementation of things like MIDI system exclusive messages and instrument mappings.

Iā€™m sure theyā€™re working on things like this, but I can see how this would easily require dedicated developer resources (people) working on nothing other than the built-in MIDI editor.

Hi Iā€™m on 1.9.6 is auto play through with us yet?
Thanks Ronny.