BeatBuddy Manager Software 1.64 (Win/Mac) LEGACY

If you’re referring to autopilot, it’s not quite here yet.

Minimum OS requirements for the BeatBuddy Manager >

  • Mac ≥10.9.5
  • PC ≥Windows 7
  • Linux not supported although an Ubuntu 64-bit user reports being able to successfully run the Windows version of the Beatbuddy Manager through WINE

its still the same, 42.5 mb size and i already downloaded other bigger apps. this one every minute will pause and i start and it pause and i start again to continue this download…maybe it will download this in weeks , RIP start button. please help…,i just both my beatbuddy last 3 days and i love it very much, but i dont have bb manager: (((((

A happy new year to the Beatbuddy community! Hope everyone is enjoying the awesome ton of content that was released lately… I’m posting to wonder about any more updates to the manager at this time? I’m hoping mainly for accessibility updates, as without them I haven’t found many uses for the pedle, as not being able to make setlists makes things difficult… looking forward to being able to use it with its full functionality again and see what’s new in the next manager update! Still love this thing to pieces!

We are coming out with a new version very soon. If you are subscribed to our newsletter, you should automatically receive an email notification once it is ready. :slight_smile:

Thanks. I don’t mean to bring this issue up again and again, and I appreciate the team’s patience in responding to these… but it really is disappointing not to be able to dig deep into the manager software and tinker around with things as much as I’d like. The stock beats are fun, but only get you so far… lol. Looking forward to the new version!

For the real sound of blues drumming, the groove is supposed to be played behind the beat. Drum machines as a general rule tend to do everything right on top of the beat (sometimes called in the middle of the beat. Is there a way to program this machine to play behind the beat (and there are a number of variations as to how far behind, or for many rock and country grooves, as to far ahead of the beat) and/or are you going to be setting something like this up in the future??

Many classic blues recordings, like much of the stuff recorded on Chess Records, often featuring Fred Below on drums, is played behind the beat.

Hi, can you provide with more info about how to install BM on Ubuntu Linux, please?
I’m an Ubuntu user and am disappointed that I can’t use it… For instance TC-Helicon VoiceSupport 2 does work propely with WINE.

Thank you!

It is possible to change (micro-manage) the timings in BBManager’s editor but very tedious. I have had a play around with moving the “groove” in Liquid Rhythm midi editing software. Not sure about the results yet, early days. Interesting fact about behind the beat in Chess Records output. I must study that.

It’s not just with Chess records recordings alone. This is true for much of blues in general and there are many different delineations of how far behind the beat the groove is just as there are a number of different delineations of how far ahead of the beat one is playing (usually see that with rock more than anything else). Jump blues is often very slightly behind the beat, but the classic sounds of 50’s Chicago blues, froom Muddy Waters, Jimmy Rogers (who I gigged with), Little Walter, Howlin’ Wolf, to guys like Jimmy Reed, Eddie Taylor (usually with Earl Phillips on drums), the groove is often WAY behind the beat and the only grooves further behind the beat than that is old school reggae, like Bob Marley and Jimmy Cliff. Even recordings by Albert King, BB King, Little Milton, Junior Parker and Little Milton are all played behind the beat and that’s how you REALLY play blues (and that means the entire drum kit is played behind the beat as is the rest of the band). Finding drum machines and metronomes that can be programmed that way has been a challenge.

hi all, this is my first post as a beatbuddy noob :slight_smile:

Apologies in advance if this has been sorted on the forums already, but after searching I was struggling to see anything concrete to help me.

So would someone please be able to explain the situation regarding versioning of the Manager software and firmware, and how I should actually determine what is the latest of each? I’m confused slightly by some folks signatures having “beta” versions but I guess they are Singular Sound employees or something right?

My main issue is with the inconsistent links to BBM upon first install. I registered my BB and received an email link to BBM 1.50
I realised direct form the website 1.64 was available and this gave me a link to this thread. Clicked on the Windows version to see the link was BBM 1.65 and it was a “lite” version. Does “lite” mean I don’t have the full functioning version?

On first use of BBM 1.65 lite an update message appeared to suggest I wasn’t yet running the latest version and that is actually 1.66

Allowing BB 1.65 to update seems to download some stuff then exit with no success message. Opening BBM again it still appears to version 1.65 and the same 1.66 update message appears

So what actually is the latest version and how do I get it please? What should I rely on to tell me what the latest version should be?

Thank you :slight_smile:

Answers to your questions:

  • what’s posted here on the forum are the latest official releases of the software ( for Mac and 1.6.5 for PC) and firmware (1.8.5);
  • any other versions are still in beta and have been provided on a case-by-case basis to resolve specific problems;
  • I am not a Singular Sound employee; I volunteer my time working on the forum;
  • the “lite” version just refers to another beta;
  • 1.6.6 is another beta and was pulled from the download server; that’s why it does nothing when you try to do an auto update from within 1.6.5b; I recommend not using the BBM Tools > Update function until Singular Sound posts that an update is available; you can sign up for e-mail notifications on the forum
  • although each successive beta resolves issues and is incrementally better than the previous versions, new issues are found.
    Recommend you wait until Singular Sound releases v2.0 of the software. As to when that will be, I’m guessing that it’s about a month out.


So where can the 1.64 Windows version be found?. The first post on this thread links to 1.65 lite for Windows, whereas the Mac link is 1.64

I corrected my post (I’m a Mac user). 1.6.5 is for Windows.

Hi there,
I’m completely new to the Beat Buddy/OnSong thing. I’ve had the OnSong app for awhile but just purchased a Beat Buddy. I downloaded the BBM and installed it on my Macbook Pro. I’ve added a folder to the song list but when I try to import songs into that folder it gives me this message: “Unable to copy file data for /Volumes/NO NAME/SONGS/46E997C3/170E67E.BBS Skipping file”. And when I drag the file to the folder all of the beats disappear. It’s an empty song. I’m wondering what I’m doing wrong.

Welcome, Rob. From what I gather, it sounds like you need to

  • follow instructions from the BBM menu Help > Getting Started
  • if you haven’t set your BBworkspace folder yet, use the BBM menu Tools > Set Workspace Location
  • do not try to perform any BeatBuddy filing functions from the operating system; the BBM has it’s own file and function built in and using the operating system bollixes things up
  • use the BBworkspace folder on your computer to import songs—not your SD card

Not a dig at you personally Persist as I can appreciate how much time you have spent on here and your passion for the beatbuddy which I share but I roll my eyes every time I hear there will be new updates soon with everything will be fixed.

I got my beatbuddy as soon as they were released and have been on the forums since Oct 2014. The hardware has been fantastic but the software is a complete shambles. I’ve heard it all before, new manager/firmware/fixes next week, next month etc. I log on to the forum to check out new songs posted, new idea’s etc but half the post are always “how do i get songs onto beatbuddy”, “what’s the latest manager version”, “I cant hear Bass in songs with Bass” etc. You know what I am talking about.

The sticky threads and tutorials explaining how to use the Beatbuddy and Manager need to be cleaned up and made easily understandable and Manager and Firmware kept to one official release.


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Thank you, persist. I was too eager to get into it and start creating rather than read instructions. Now that I have created a list in my workstation, how do I export them to my SD card? I was prompted to synchronize the project after I created it and did. I’ve searched countless videos and haven’t found the solution. And another question if I may. Since I’m using OnSong as the master and I have all of the BPMs set in OnSong and Jazz as the drum set, can I not just point each song in OnSong to a folder and song in the workstation instead of creating a list. For example, I have the song “Annie’s Song” in OnSong. Can I just type in 0 for the Blues folder (which is the first folder) and then 2 for Blues 3_6/8 (which is the 3rd song? Thank you again for your help. I’m flying out in a week for another contract on a cruise ship and am hoping to have my BeatBuddy up and running by then.

Is the link on the first page still the latest version?

Yes, it’s the latest official release.