BeatBuddy Manager Software 1.64 (Win/Mac) LEGACY

No support about this issue?

I still donā€™t think thereā€™s any support for Ubuntu on Linux. So I take it the suggestions I posted at didnā€™t work?

we got the Beatbuddy new and try to find out, how to handle ā€œallā€ . . . As I didnā€™t get along with working on the PC I thought, try directly with the SD-card. Its confusing that the manger always starts wit ā€œEmpty . . .ā€ . . .

I bought some drumsets and imported them. But when I change now from one of the new drumsets to the next one, BB Manager says, there were unsaved changes in the project. But I made no changes?? Then I click on ā€œyesā€ on the question, whether I want to save. And then, when I did this, BB Mangers closes down. Always again. What can I do?

I feel a bit like on ice, as I still donā€™t have a concrete ā€œfeelingā€ how all things work and work together. Its also a bit more difficult, to assimilize all this in a foreign language - whereas my English is not soo bad, but it makes the understanding of the BB / BB Manager not easier . .
Does it crash, because I use the SD directly? Are there other issues? I thought, it would be better, to use the SD directly, as, when I tried firstly to work on PC, I deadnā€™t really know, whether and when my work will really then get on the SD-card ā€¦
I still also try to understand the differences between Sets, Songs, Beats and how they are handled. Ok, I am in the beginning of looking at all the videos. But at first I have to solve the problem with ā€œunsaved changesā€ and then the BB Manager close-down. Help?

It is hard to learn how to get the pedal and BeatBuddy Manager (BBM) but once you figure it out, it becomes much easier.
It would be nice if after you set up the BBM, that it would no longer display that ā€œEmptyā€ screen. If youā€™ve followed Steps 1 and 2 from the startup screen prompt, you should be good. Just remember to always use the BBM to add songs/beats, folders, and drum sets to the SD card. Is your BBworkspace folder located in your user/Documents folder?

It sounds like you are working under the Drum Set tab of the BBM. When you change drum sets in here, you have changed the project and thatā€™s why the BBM prompts you to save before you listen to a song with the changed drum set. The BBM should not crash or quit when you save a drum set. If you have not done so yet, please update to BBM 1.6.5. I am using the Mac version of the BBM and the only time it prompts me to save is when I am in the Drum Sets tab and double-clicking on a drum set. This is weird but normal behavior and the developers are aware of this prompt to save a drum set even when no changes have been made. You do not have to use the drum set tab to change drum sets for a song. You can do this in the Project Explorer view of the BBM.

If you are making changes to the SD card directly by using Windows Explorer or Apple Finder, this could be a cause. Please use the BBM to manage songs/folders/drum sets for your pedal. If you have not been using the BBM, and are still having problems, let us know and we will try to take other steps to try and help you. It is good that you are trying to view the video tutorials and the BBM User Guide; they are helpful but donā€™t always answer all of your questions.

I just ran across your commentā€¦ let me tell you how I handle thisā€¦ as one of my favorite drummers, Levon Helm, plays behind the beat. I import the midi file into something like REAPER, select the entire drum line and then move it ever so little to the left, making it visually behind the beat. Then, re-save and re-impirtninto BBM.

Thanks, I think the crash came, because I didnā€™t wait long enough when clicked on ā€œsaveā€. I did it again and then it got out of line and crashed.
I got quite further, but still am checking out, how all that works with ā€œprojectsā€. E. g. I downloaded the Jimi-Hendrix-Hits-Package. I know, I have already seen it in my BB Manager. But now, after a while of working with songs etc. I wanted to see the Jimi Hendrix songs and now they are not there. And I try to find out, how to get them again in the BB Manager. I am still working on ā€œgetting it in my brainā€ how things work together. I will have to look at some more videos . . . I think the word ā€œProjectsā€ confuses me a lot.

BBM is organized like thisā€¦ the ENTIRE screen display is your WIRKSPACE and is represented by a folder on your computerā€™s hard drive (by the way, arevyou Mac or Windows?). Think of the WORKSPACE as a blank space. Every WORKSPACE can have multiple PROJECTS in it. For example, I have a PROJECT called OLDIES and another called GRANDKIDS (for songs the kids like). You create these projects under the FILE tab in the menu in BBM. You can save a current project and bring in another anytime you want.

Each PROJECT has FOLDERS (if you want them) that you create, again, under the FILE tab in the menu. For example, in my main project, I have folders for BEATLES, EAGLES, A-C, D-F ā€¦ you get the idea. You PROJECT (and FOLDERS if you have them) will eventually have songs in them. In BBM, these songs are called BEATS (yes, itā€™s named very poorly). BEATS consist of the parts needed to play them (hopefully youā€™ve seen these on the right side of the BBM screen).

In my case, and others here, wevdo OPB songs, that is ONE PRESS BASS. These songs only have two parts, a silent part and the complete song in ONE section. This is done so the pedal only has to pressed one time and the song (the BEAT) plays from beginning to end.

Hope this helps. I suggest that you DELETE your current project, create a new one and start over so as not to continue with your confusion and a possibly corrupted project.


Hang in there Marina. It has a learning curve but it is worth it to go through a few pains while youā€™re new to it. This forum it incredibly helpful. You are not alone! Also there are several great creators you can lean on to get you the music you want.

Please add support for Linux users in th next versiĆ³n. Why has it taken so long to get an update to the manager? Many improvements pending in the midi editor. Thanks.

Itā€™s possible that if the next version is being built using Java, it might work under Linux but I do not know if it will be as actively supported as it would be for the Mac and PC.

Today itā€™s 1 year 6 months 7 days since the last version of BBM was released !

Weā€™re still waiting for:
[]Improving MIDI editor
]Autopilot function
[*]Revamped user experience
Plus fixes for all known bugs of course :wink:

If nobody from the company calls me to walk me through it, I may just send the pedal back. The software blows, makes a bit of a nightmare.

:eek: Right. Sort of like expecting Microsoft to call YOU because you canā€™t figure out how to use Windows . . .

Good business tip! Thatā€™s what Iā€™ll do when my customers are having problems, Iā€™ll tell them theyā€™re stupid.

You appear to be a Mac guy (Mac OS developer line above). But Iā€™m not a software guy, Iā€™m an open mic monkey. I use a small computer network in my home business, so Iā€™m the ā€˜System Administratorā€™ when things go wrong (God help me). One thing I can say for Appleā€™s tech support (best support Iā€™ve experienced in 30 years in business): theyā€™ll stay on the phone with you for hours to resolve an issue. They always figure it out if you have the patience to hang with them. The latest incident was trying to recover a work file on our Time Capsule (wireless router/external backup hard drive). It appears Time Capsule is to Apple techs what the male prostate is to the medical profession, nobody really fully understands how it works. But to their credit near the end of hour two the third level of Apple Tech figured it out (and he had to try a few things). Thatā€™s like 2 levels below Tim Cook (3 levels below St. Jobs).

Iā€™ve had experience with Microsoft tech support. I gave up. Adobe? Every graphics pro I talk to LAUGHS if you ask them if they ever called Adobe ā€˜tech supportā€™. Worst company on the planet. And theyā€™re not a little innovative company Singular, I can understand Singularā€™s challenge as a small start-up.

I read somewhere about some convoluted Sierra workaround, I might try that, but Iā€™m really not in the mood today after yesterday. Letā€™s see if they respond to the email, not sure Iā€™l figure it out, three hours yesterday, no dice, I was frustrated. Iā€™ll hang with them, I really think the BB is a great innovative product that works well. And there appears to be a cool community of users. Look at all the new friends Iā€™m making here already!

Alternatively I could contact KGB hackers, now I donā€™t have to call Russia, my GOP pals in foggy bottom can patch me right through : ).

Anyway if anybody can link me to the Sierra/High Sierra hack to get the content to Synchronize to the pedal, Iā€™d appreciated it. Iā€™m on 10.13.2 on a 2015 MacBook Air. My wife has a Windows box upstairs, wonder if itā€™s easier to try this all on her computer. God forbid, Iā€™d rather drive a Mustang (Iā€™m a Corvette guy).

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Hey! Jay from BB emailed me, he will be calling tomorrow. That. Totally. Rocks! My faith is restored.

I just received my replacement beatbuddy. I have Beatbuddy Manager ver. Do you know what the differences are?

From the downloads page you can see whats new in 1.6.5:
[]Auto-update: Improvements/bug fixes/etc we make in the future will automatically be applied.
]MIDI Editor: It is in its beta stages, so we recommend using it only for simple tasks. Anything complex requiring a MIDI editor, we suggest using a 3rd party MIDI editor.
[]500 note limit on MIDI files removed. You can now import colossal-sized MIDI files !
]Bug Fixes

is there a limit of songs in a folder, and a limit of folders?
to me it seams like 100 and 50 =/

99 songs per folder
99 folders per project

thankā€™s broh!