Hi everyone, you have all brought up very good points. I do see that a few different topics were brought up here, so I am going to address them each separately.
First, the BBManager:
So this actually has been our focus for the past few years, starting in 2017. We were constantly fixing up bugs (and dealing with new ones that would pop up in the process). As any software developer will tell you, fixing bugs is like a game of whack-a-mole. Unfortunately with the spaghetti code that the BBManager is written in, it has proven to be way more complicated than anticipated.
Some of you may recall we also have BBManager versions 1.66, 1.67, and 1.70. Only the 1.66 is acceptable for use, and 1.67 + 1.70 are super problematic. So we realized that the whole thing must be redone.
We then dedicated about 1.5 years to a whole new version of the BBManager, our goal was to match all the features that the current BBManager gives (or is supposed to give), and that project flopped. We hired an external team of developers to do this.
Too many issues came up (including one in which we might have needed to redo the entire way the BB functions in order for it to work, which means all of you would need to get all your content replaced as well as redo all your customized setlists, and we did not want to put you through that). It hurts but that is what happened.
And now we are starting from the ground up, with only the basics in mind (to start with) so we can have a solid foundation for the revamped version of the BBManager (the one currently in development is called “BB Loader”).
Our priorities lie with satisfying customers. Where else would our priorities lie? We are a business and you are our only source of money. How would it serve us to piss all of you off?
We could only benefit from keeping you guys happy. There is literally no reason in the world to not have you as our top priority.
Now I will address the Aeros:
We are not going to kill the Aeros. Although yes you are correct it needs to be improved, it is far from a flop. The Aeros is a premium looper and despite its current shortcomings, we have a very low return rate. If that is how it is now, we can only expect that return rate to be even lower and general satisfaction to improve once the Aeros itself improves, and it will.
Regarding DAWs and plugins:
This is actually very interesting that you mention this, as we are looking to expand (in the future) into the plugin market. It will be incorporated into our BeatBuddy+Aeros ecosystem, highly increasing the usability and experience with both.
Regarding the general use of our time:
We always keep an eye on the forum, and of course we are never happy to see dissatisfaction. It is definitely hard for us to see some of these comments, but the way the comments make us feel does not deter us from moving forward with what needs to be done: improving the products, fixing bugs, staying on top of things, etc. It frustrates us just the same when things drag out waaaaayyyyy longer than we expected. But sooner or later we always deliver.
And while it is true that some people gave up on us (like the person you referenced in your response above), we are not going to give up on you.
Regarding the minor gags we do like the ASMR drumset for April Fool’s and silly newsletter emails, these are completely different people doing that stuff. Those type of things are done by the marketing team, and they are not involved in any fashion with the development team. So the time spent by the marketing team has no effect whatsoever on the speed at which the development team produces results.