Decay for overdubs (Loop Decay)

I purchased this looper as it is quite an advanced looper, I just presumed this would have the most obvious modes like decay, fade and reverse. It boggles my mind that these things have been omitted or overlooked.


I also made the assumption that the Aeros would have a decay function. Had it a couple of weeks played around with it but it does not have some of the more basic features that I want ie fade out /loop decay. Would have returned it but I see the potential, hopefully these features are being worked on.


Some news about this feature? some firmware to come out?

Almost there! This will be part of the 4.3.x release! We are almost about to release the next iteration of 4.2.x, so not far off now!

I have updated the tag to #in-progress

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The decay function as currently implemented in 4.3.x is not useful as one needs to go out from overdub to play and back again for the decay to kick in. any previous user of this function in other pedals (eg DITTO X4) will be expecting Decay to function continuously when in overdub mode on any new layer that is added, degrading the previous layers accordingly. The requirement to come out of overdub and then back again makes no sense for this function and no user will be expecting this. In fact, this does the same as the FADE function, no need to duplicate a feature with another name. Please attend to this thanks.

@cfibanez would changing your global settings to ROP make difference?

@JusDandy RPO or ROP makes no difference. In fact, this type of playing is implemented in ROP so that overdubbing starts immediately after the first layer is recorded. The problem with the current configuration is that the layers do not decay unless one leaves overdubbing mode and returns to play. So one has to go in and out of overdubbing continuously throughout the soundscape, which is not how this feature should work. All other loopers that have decay functionality work in this way. This is how any previous user of this feature will be expecting it to work here. Alas, it doesn’t currently.

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Good to know! I have never got into this type of function. The way you describe even being able to attempt what you’re used to doing sounds like no fun and stressful. That’s how I felt in 6 x 6 until I got a midi controller.

You should check out the Frippertronics work by Robert Fripp. He popularized this technique in the late 70s and early 80s using two reel-to-reel tape recorders connected to each other. Robert Fripp - Wikipedia

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I’m familiar with that from watching Bill Vencil on his Chords of Orion YouTube channel. It’s cool but not my thing so I’ve never pursued it .

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you can do it.

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We may not, it’s good to be ready for that possibility, it is not a must on our part, especially if it will be very time-consuming or hard to accomplish.

This is part of the core of the code, it cannot be said lightly that it will be feasible.

Thanks for your feedback

The DITTO X4 and the Boomerang, which you aspire to beat, do this without any problem. It is the main purpose of the decay function to let each layer decay, just as a delay pedal (with long delays) works (eg Sound-on-Sound from ElCapistan). To have to go out of overdub and back again is unuseful, if not outright silly. Thanks.


maybe they could make the aeros have a new mode where it doesn’t mix with their classic way of looping (2x2 and 6x6)(would be ideal but maybe not possible). but the apparent potential of the aeros is for it to have an aging mode (like infinity) feedback decay (like digital echoplex) and many others.

ThAnks !!

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+1 for loop decay it’s a killer feature for ambient artists :crossed_fingers:

We understand that the decay function has specific use cases that we aren’t handling yet, we will look into it but are not sure yet if it will be done with this capacity

Hi Brennan!!! I hope you well…

any advance or progress in this feature? some firmware update soon ?

Thank You!

Yep, and the ditto has dedicated knobs for track volume and decay. These are things one wants to change on the fly. With the Aeros one would have to make all these decisions beforehand in the settings.
Same with synced track btw. Either all tracks are in sync or none. This is really not intuitive.
But on the other hand it is such a great device for countless other reasons.
I decided to use it in conjunction with my Ditto because the Aeros will never be able to reproduce those features.

The best way would be to use an expression pedal for the decay rate. This way one stays flexible during a performance.

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