Double time ANYBODY? Unwanted Bug

I have been using BB and Aeros for a bit of time now and never run across this situation before. And it stinks.

PROBLEM - BeatBuddy BPM = x; AEROS BPM = 2x. Always exactly double the BeatBuddy BPM!

Have updated most recent firmware for BeatBuddy and Aeros. Have reset both to their factory defaults. I have CORRECTLY connected them using the y split cable sold by Singular Sound. Cannot fix this problem.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.

You want to play double time?
Beatbuddy Footswitch set to double time
Aeros (V 5.0.2) Set multiple tempo and set double tempo on part 2

If only… I don’t want my BeatBuddy to be at 120BMP and my Aeros at 240… it’s just weird. I have been working on a few fixes and before sending a video to Singular I’m going to try and isolate the situation by breaking my board down.

Hi there,

What version is your BeatBuddy on? What version is your Aeros on?

Let me know, thanks!

I have experienced similar situations, and I think you should carefully assess the midi time clock in your midi signal path. Check that you aren’t merging and sending two clocks or you’re going to get double time in no time :wink:

A post was split to a new topic: Autoquantize BPM sometimes gives me a double time result