Early Access Beta Testers Wanted (new BeatBuddy Library Manager)

We are supporting the two most recent version of Mac OSX, Windows10 and Windows8. No Windows7 and no Linux.

You’re going to make a lot of Win 7 users unhappy with this :frowning:

“Windows 10 is steadily growing in popularity but it still hasn’t managed to topple Windows 7. According to NetMarketShare, Windows 10 is on 28% of desktop PCs, but Windows 7 still has more than half of the market share at 44%.”

I definitely appreciate the pointer to the data. My impression was, and to some extent still is, that some of the 44% Win7 usage is due to corporations not wanting to shell out the time and $$ to do the upgrades, and that personal usage has a much lower Win7 usage than 44%. The beta survey shows that 4 of 21 (19%) of the Beta testers strictly use Win7. Still a fair amount. The question is… do we spend the time to test and fix bugs for Win7 or use that time to add features for everyone? Typically the cutoff to consider supporting a market segment starts around 18% - so the 19% makes this a tough call.

The new software is built using Java so it will likely work on Win7, but no guarantees.

I’ll bring this data to the table during our internal discussion about the the new software.

Thanks for the data and your feedback.



A post from a thread in the forum GearSlutz… https://www.gearslutz.com/board/music-computers/1225058-windows-10-not-professionals.html
“Thanks to atrocities like W10, music professionals are seeking other mediums to record to, or simply going back to what works and doesn’t invade your computer like a virus. W10 has garnered more lawsuits for microslop than any other OS before it, and it will continue. No one with relevant work wants to risk ****ing up their workflow or losing precious data. Hobbyists can have at it, but if it ain’t broke, I’m not fixing it. I use Windows 10 on one machine only because those dumb ****s at Akai stopped win 7 support after OS 1.9.4 of the MPC software. They lost 100s of customers with that one stupid move. I know others will say that eventually other companies will eventually stop windows 7 support as well, but I can assure you, it won’t be anytime soon. Just because Avid did it, doesn’t mean the world of software audio production will follow. The word is out on how ****ty W10 is overall, which is why 99% of audio software companies still support win 7.”
A few other music forums I frequent have similar opinions.

Myself, I have much invested in software and hardware, both music and photography that wouldn’t function on Win10 for lack of updated drivers or software. Too many stories of forced Win10 updates that may cripple a machine to be considered a serious workstation for me.
A day will come that I may have to move to Win10, but the three Win7 desktops and a laptop I have will need to bite the dust before it happens. That said, my wife has a Win10 laptop and I can’t really say I’m fond of the File Explorer and lack of user tweakability in several areas of the OS.
I do hope you consider keeping Win7 in the loop.
Newegg seems to still be stocking/selling a lot of Win7 desktops form the image attached :)…

I’m on Win 7 unfortunately:(

RE Win7: All good food for thought. Thanks!

I’m also on Win 7 and have many programs that don’t work on win 10… agree that windows 10 has many problems…
How many other users are using Win 7 ???
Seems a little short sited to alienate a large group of users?

We are taking into serious consideration. As noted in an earlier post, Win7 is approx 19% of the BB users, which is a decent percentage, but not a “large” percentage. It’s also important to note that Microsoft will stop support Windows7 in 2020. Which means that there is about a year and half of support left for Win7 itself.

We are likely going to move forward with the Early Beta supporting for Win8 and Win10, and possibly add Win7 support later.

We definitely appreciate the feedback :slight_smile:

Stay tuned…

The pedal is Great & I’m looking forward to the updates…
I realize it’s a challenge to keep everyone happy… but 19% of your 10,640 Forum members is around 2000 users…
Will Stay Tuned…

I’m sure anyone who can afford a 500 drum pedal can afford a 300 craptop with win10 and BB Manager on it. ;). You can get them used for 200 if you shop around.

As I am a part of that 19% i do believe with such a major upgrade one has to look to the future and it seems win 10 is it. So lets push forward

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Win10 runs quite well on under-powered hardware. A 256GB SSD upgrade is only about $50 and breaths new life into an older pc.

HOWEVER, as @MarkF48 says, it’s the Win10 updates that can cause major headaches if your existing device drivers aren’t supported.

If the new BBM is java based, is it really that it hasn’t had dedicated testing on Win7 or are you folks using some specific Win10 APIs that cause the angst and would require some back porting? If it is the former I would be willing to take it for a drive I am on Win7 pro.

Hi, I add myself to Windows 7 users list…

Slightly loathe to put Java back on my laptop as had all kinds of virus problems with it a few years ago so removed it completely. Is it safer nowadays or still at risk from viral attacks?

Must be close to release? Sorry, imma bit anxious :wink:

Is anyone beta testing this yet or has it disappeared in a puff of smoke or something? First mentioned on here July 19 so surely something’s happened since then (tumbleweed floats by in background…)?

The developers must be devoting all their efforts to getting their MIDI controller out the door.

As a former developer still highly interested in this product i say MEEEE!!! :slight_smile:

Love Win 10. Loved Win 7 too, but 10 is better on low-level hardware.