Eeprom invalid

Hello, I’ve tried this over and over and over for probably going on an hour now. Sometimes when I hold the Bluetooth button it’ll stay solid blue, sometimes it will flash. When I do get it to flash and go to update firmware, it scans and then times out. Is there a way to do a hard reset of the pedal?

Don’t know about doing a hard reset of the MIDI Maestro pedal. For that, best to contact

A couple of things:

  1. Make sure your phone’s Bluetooth is enabled;
  2. Place your phone next to the pedal (sometimes it makes the connection easier) and
  3. Do a quick press and release of the pedal button if the blue light flashes
  4. Start the firmware update process make sure you’re following the step-by-step instructions shared above

If still not working, reach out to Support and circle back to let us know how you resolved your issue.

Hey there , I do have the Same Problem it shows Invalid Eprom after update.
I tried to update and it failed. now I updated the default mode. The 100% was running … now it’s finished. I read that I have to wait for 20 minutes and then restart the MM. The Video helped its now up to Date.