Lee Greenwood
I’ve had this song in the queue to transcribe for a couple of years and life kept jumping in the way. This request was the impetus to get my butt in gear. There are two zip files: both include the DOP song and each has OPB and OPBk(strings) in C and F. I figured that not everybody that would want to sing this song could easily sing it in F so I transposed it lower.
Link (in blue font) to new user resources
Suggested kit(s):
- v1 SUB-Std Pro Plain
- v2 SUB-Std Pro PL Bass 62-91 (for both C and F keys)
- v4 STAX FIDDLE (for both C and F keys)
Includes: 2 zip files for each key, MIDI source file, Chord shapes for each key and Chords & Lyrics
God Bless the USA in F.zip (132.8 KB) God Bless the USA in C.zip (120.1 KB)
1310 & 1311
- Music is art, it’s interpretive. So right or wrong, good or bad does not exist.
- I no longer fill song requests for BeatBuddy users that are getting paid for performing (if you get paid for your time, I should too).
- How many ornaments did we hang on the Christmas tree before it collapsed?
- Past remains prologue.